Tags: tjh49/drake
[FEM] Implement CorotatedModel and math helpers (RobotLocomotion#14599) * Implement CorotatedModel and math helpers. - Implement the fixed corotated model from Stomakhin, Alexey, et al. "Energetically consistent invertible elasticity." Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics conference on Computer Animation. 2012. - Implement a few matrix calculation helpers to facilitate CorotatedModel. - Refactor utility functions for St-Venant type constitutive models into free functions. - Refactor LinearConstitutiveModelTest to test for both LinearConstitutiveModel and CorotatedModel.
Hotfix to repair asan failure in dynamic_elasticity_element_test (Rob… …otLocomotion#14550) Closes RobotLocomotion#14549. Relates RobotLocomotion#14533.
framework: Un-deprecate FixInputPort taking an const ref (RobotLocomo… …tion#14454) User-facing APIs should prefer const-ref (not unique_ptr) when the user provides new values for the framework to use. We will adjust the advice in the class further in the future, but for now with a release in flight, this is the minimal change to allow users to keep using the forward- looking API.
Adds realsense-ros dependency for URDF and meshes (RobotLocomotion#14203 ) This commit provides Drake the ability to fetch the realsense-ros upstream repository during build: IntelRealSense/realsense-ros: - It gives Drake access to the realsense d415 xacro and mesh files - After the download, xacro files are modified to cleanly stitch into a URDF in a Drake environment (rather than their native ROS environment) - A test is provided that is closely based (copied + slightly modified) on the YCB meshes simple parsing tests
Performance tweak to MultibodyTree.CalcJacobianAngularAndOrTranslatio… …nalVelocityInWorld (RobotLocomotion#13682) - Change CalcJacobianAngularAndOrTranslationalVelocityInWorld to use auto for Eigen expressions and avoid common multiplication by the identity matrix. - Add two more performance tweaks: -SpatialInertia.cast() no longer re-validates itself -Eliminate unnecessary matrix assignments in CalcJacobianTranslationalVelocityHelper
added parsing of point_contact_stiffness (RobotLocomotion#13686)
IiwaCommandReceiver latches initial position until first command (Rob… …otLocomotion#13540) This adjusts the semantics of the recently added position_measured input port to better match the actual control cabinet where the robot is held stiffly in place, instead of allowing external forces to push it around.
Merge pull request RobotLocomotion#13194 from EricCousineau-TRI/featu… …re-py-nice-error-scalar-convert pydrake: Override NiceTypeName::Get(ptr) when possible