Pandoc filter for creating diagrams in mermaid syntax blocks in markdown docs
OpenAPI Specification & Swagger Tools : Zero To Master - Code Examples
Terraform Installer for Kubernetes on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way. No scripts.
Joint NIST/FedRAMP tool to interact with OSCAL files via a browser-based GUI
coArchi - a plug-in to share and collaborate on Archi models.
Version web front office de l’application PIA à déployer sur un serveur afin d’en donner l’accès via un navigateur web | Front office of the PIA application to be deployed on a server in order to a…
The CNIL publishes a GDPR guide for developers
jArchi - Scripting for Archi: ArchiMate Modelling Tool
Digital Signature Service : creation, extension and validation of advanced electronic signatures
Libdigidocpp library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards. Documentation
Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing -- Documents
Oracle's Cloud Native and DevOps Workshop on Oracle Cloud
Official source of container configurations, images, and examples for Oracle products and projects