First of all, why not spend 5 minutes to try it yourself!
Our server is shutdown because of some financial problems. We will rebuild the server soon.
The AI can paint on a sketch according to a given specific color style.
The AI can create its own color style to paint on a sketch.
The AI can transfer illustrations' style.
2018.4.6 - A bad news: We have developed paintstransfer V3, but it is defeated by V2. Theoretically, the deeper V3 should be better than V2 but our user studies show that V2 is still the best painter.
The consequence is:
50% possibility: We will combine some good part of unfinished V3 into V2 and release V2.5.
And V3 will not be released.
50% possibility: We will improve V3 and release V3.
2018.2.12 - PaintsTransfer 3.0 will be released in 2018.04.25-2018.05.15. We will use a totally non-residual very deep model.
2018.2.3 - We added the super accurate pencil, and the original pencil tool is replaced by brush. The problem of over colorization in non-reference mode is fixed when you use the super accurate pencil, and the color spreading of super accurate pencil is limited to a relative small degree.
We are the most accurate anime colorization AI to obey your hints!
All results below are achieved with one reference image and some human hints.
We are the most creative anime colorization AI without your hints!
All results below are achieved WITHOUT any reference image or human hints.
IMPORTANT: Here the only inputs is one sketch.
IMPORTANT: NO human hint and NO reference is involved!
you need a python 3.5/3.6 GPU environment with cuda.
pip install tensorflow_gpu
pip install keras
pip install bottle
pip install gevent
pip install h5py
pip install opencv-python
pip install scikit-image
git clone
(Then you need to download all models from our Google Drive and put these into 'server' folder.) cd style2paints/server python
Currently, we reserve all rights about all these models.
We use Google Drive to upload models:
Current model list of the 8 neural networks:
The recommended training dataset of illustrations is the 400k images from nico-opendata
The recommended training sketches is from sketchKeras
QQ Group ID: 184467946
Thanks a lot to TaiZan. This project could not be achieved without his great help.