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removing RSMPI
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tkotani committed Feb 25, 2025
1 parent b1c5ac7 commit 72f1a62
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Showing 34 changed files with 3,871 additions and 6,690 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion MATERIALS/Fe_magnon/
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/bin/bash +x
# we need GWinput,ctrl,syml.fe, fbplot.glt, mag3d.glt, wanplot.glt
lmfa fe >& llmfa
mpirun -np $NSLOTS lmf fe >&llmf
# ### 1. band calculation and create MLWFs
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion SRC/main/wanplot.f90
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
program main!wannier
call wanplot()
use m_wanplot,only:wanplot
call wanplot()
end program main
142 changes: 0 additions & 142 deletions SRC/wanniergw/RSMPI_mod.f90
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!> mpi utility for wannier part R. Sakuma 2007
module rsmpi
implicit none
include "mpif.h"
! S:
! S: nrsin: contains additional parameters
! S: nrphistar: contains wavefunctions
! integer,parameter:: nrsin=1001,nrsj2gsmall=1002

! MPI parameters
integer :: myrank_rsmpi ! rank of the calling process
integer :: nproc_rsmpi ! number of processes
integer :: io_root_rsmpi
parameter (io_root_rsmpi = 0)
integer :: ierror_rsmpi

! ID of the current process (ex. 0000012, 0123456)
! used mainly for output filename (ex. VCCFP.RSMPI0000012 )
! if # of processes >= 10^8, increase the size of the array
character(7) :: myrank_id_rsmpi !
integer :: ifile_rsmpi ! file id
! used for collective I/O
integer :: bufsize_rsmpi
parameter (bufsize_rsmpi=1024)
character*(bufsize_rsmpi) :: buf_rsmpi

! measure elapsed time
double precision :: t1,t2
subroutine RSMPI_Init()
implicit none
! call MPI_INIT(ierror_rsmpi)
t1 = MPI_WTIME()
call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,nproc_rsmpi,ierror_rsmpi)
call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank_rsmpi,ierror_rsmpi)
if (Is_IO_Root_RSMPI()) then
write(6,*) "RS: --- RSMPI_Init ---"
write(6,*) "RS: Number of processes : ",nproc_rsmpi
end if
call RSMPI_Set_ID()
write(buf_rsmpi,*) "RS: RANKID = ",myrank_id_rsmpi
call RSMPI_Write(6)
if (Is_IO_Root_RSMPI()) then
write(6,*) "RS: --- end of RSMPI_Init ---"
end if
end subroutine RSMPI_Init
subroutine RSMPI_Set_ID
implicit none
if (myrank_rsmpi/1000000 >= 10) then
! RS: I don't expect this will happen..
call RSMPI_Stop("RSMPI_Set_ID: # of processes exceeds 10^6: Modify RSMPI_mod.F!")
write(myrank_id_rsmpi,'(i7.7)') myrank_rsmpi
end subroutine RSMPI_Set_ID
! subroutine RSMPI_Check(func,ierror_in)
! implicit none
! character*(*) :: func
! integer,intent(in) :: ierror_in
! integer :: ireturn
! if ((ierror_in /= MPI_SUCCESS)) then
! ! if (Is_IO_Root_RSMPI()) then
! write(6,*) "RS: MPI ERROR :", func," PROCID = ",myrank_id_rsmpi," ierror =",ierror_in,".Aborted."
! ireturn = 99
! call MPI_ABORT(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ireturn,ierror_rsmpi)
! endif
! end subroutine RSMPI_Check

subroutine RSMPI_Stop(msg)
implicit none
character*(*) :: msg
! if (Is_IO_Root_RSMPI()) then
write(6,*) "RS: Error: ",msg, " Aborted."
! endif
call MPI_ABORT(MPI_COMM_WORLD,99,ierror_rsmpi)
end subroutine RSMPI_Stop
subroutine RSMPI_Print_WTime()
implicit none
t2 = MPI_WTIME()
if (Is_IO_Root_RSMPI()) then
write(6,*) "RS: Elapsed time: ",t2-t1,"sec"
write(6,*) "RS: Precision : ",MPI_WTICK()
end subroutine RSMPI_Print_WTime
subroutine RSMPI_Finalize()
implicit none
call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror_rsmpi)
! call RSMPI_Check("MPI_Barrier",ierror_rsmpi)

call RSMPI_Print_WTime()

call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror_rsmpi)
if (ierror_rsmpi /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
write(6,*) "RS: MPI ERROR in RSMPI_Finalize(), ierror =", &
ierror_rsmpi, "PROCID = ",myrank_id_rsmpi
end subroutine RSMPI_Finalize
logical function Is_IO_Root_RSMPI()
implicit none
Is_IO_Root_RSMPI = (myrank_rsmpi .eq. io_root_rsmpi)
end function Is_IO_Root_RSMPI
! Gather information and Write

subroutine RSMPI_Write(if_in)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: if_in
! function
integer :: get_non_blank_rsmpi
! local
integer :: ip !process
integer :: tag
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) ! MPI_Status
integer :: isize
tag = 0

if ( .NOT. Is_IO_Root_RSMPI()) then
call MPI_Send(buf_rsmpi,bufsize_rsmpi,MPI_CHARACTER, &
! call RSMPI_Check("RSMPI_Write",ierror_rsmpi)
do ip=0,nproc_rsmpi-1
if (ip /= myrank_rsmpi) then
call MPI_Recv(buf_rsmpi,bufsize_rsmpi,MPI_CHARACTER, &
! call RSMPI_Check("RSMPI_Write",ierror_rsmpi)
isize = get_non_blank_rsmpi(bufsize_rsmpi,buf_rsmpi)
if (isize /= 0) write(if_in,*) buf_rsmpi(1:isize)

end subroutine RSMPI_Write
end module RSMPI
76 changes: 0 additions & 76 deletions SRC/wanniergw/RSMPI_qkgroup_mod.f90
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
module rsmpi_qkgroup
use rsmpi,only:mpi_comm_world,myrank_rsmpi,nproc_rsmpi
implicit none
public rsmpi_qkgroup_init
integer,public :: nk_local_qkgroup ! number of k-points treated in the process
integer,allocatable,public :: ik_index_qkgroup(:)

integer :: nqkgroup ! number of subgroups
! it is equivalent to the number of q-points calculated at the same time
! integer :: iqkgroup ! the subgroup the current process belongs
integer :: nproc_qkgroup ! number of processes in the subgroup
integer :: myrank_qkgroup ! rank of the calling process in the subgroup
! logical :: file_io_qkgroup ! The processes with this value .true.
integer :: nq_local_qkgroup ! number of q-points treated in the subgroup
integer,allocatable :: iq_index_qkgroup(:) ! index
integer :: ierror_qkgroup ! error check
integer :: comm_qkgroup ! new communicator
character(7) :: qkgroup_id !
integer :: ifile_qkgroup ! file id
subroutine RSMPI_qkgroup_Init(Nq,Nk)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: Nq,Nk
integer:: iqkgroup
nqkgroup = merge(nq,nproc_rsmpi,Nq <= nproc_rsmpi)
iqkgroup = get_my_qkgroup(myrank_rsmpi,nproc_rsmpi)
call MPI_COMM_SPLIT(MPI_COMM_WORLD,iqkgroup, myrank_rsmpi,comm_qkgroup,ierror_qkgroup)
call MPI_COMM_SIZE(comm_qkgroup,nproc_qkgroup,ierror_qkgroup)
call MPI_COMM_RANK(comm_qkgroup,myrank_qkgroup,ierror_qkgroup)
! call set_q_local_qkgroup(Nq)
call set_k_local_qkgroup(Nk)
end subroutine RSMPI_qkgroup_Init
subroutine set_k_local_qkgroup(Nk)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: Nk ! total number of k-points in full BZ
integer,allocatable :: nk_local_all(:),ik_index_all(:,:)
allocate(nk_local_all(nproc_qkgroup), ik_index_all(nproc_qkgroup,Nk/nproc_qkgroup+1))
call set_index_rsmpi(Nk,nproc_qkgroup,nk_local_all,ik_index_all)
nk_local_qkgroup = nk_local_all(myrank_qkgroup+1) ! rank is 0,1,..,N-1
ik_index_qkgroup(1:nk_local_qkgroup) = ik_index_all(myrank_qkgroup+1,1:nk_local_qkgroup)
end subroutine set_k_local_qkgroup
integer function get_my_qkgroup(myrank_world,nproc_world)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: myrank_world,nproc_world
integer :: iqkg,red,iproc_local,iproc_world
do iqkg=1,nqkgroup
if (iqkg <= mod(nproc_world,nqkgroup)) then
red = 1
red = 0
do iproc_local=1,nproc_world/nqkgroup+red
if (myrank_world == iproc_world) then
get_my_qkgroup = iqkg
iproc_world = iproc_world + 1
end function get_my_qkgroup
! subroutine set_q_local_qkgroup(Nq)
! implicit none
! integer,intent(in) :: Nq ! total number of q-points in irr.BZ
! integer,allocatable :: nq_local_all(:),iq_index_all(:,:)
! allocate(nq_local_all(nqkgroup), iq_index_all(nqkgroup,Nq/nqkgroup+1))
! call set_index_rsmpi(Nq,nqkgroup,nq_local_all,iq_index_all)
! nq_local_qkgroup = nq_local_all(iqkgroup)
! allocate(iq_index_qkgroup(nq_local_qkgroup))
! iq_index_qkgroup(1:nq_local_qkgroup) = iq_index_all(iqkgroup,1:nq_local_qkgroup)
! deallocate(nq_local_all,iq_index_all)
! end subroutine set_q_local_qkgroup
end module RSMPI_qkgroup
115 changes: 0 additions & 115 deletions SRC/wanniergw/RSMPI_rotkindex_mod.f90
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@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
! MPI version of FPLMTO-GW code
! R. Sakuma 2007

! In program hsfp0, k-points in FULL B.Z. are generated by
! performing symmetry operations(rotations)
! to k'-points which lie in irreducible B.Z.

! For each k-point (in F.B.Z.) this module calculates the correct indexes
! of correspoinding irot(rotation index) and k'-point (in ir.B.Z.),
! which is used for k-point parallelization in program hsfp0
! with "module RSMPI_qkgroup"
! without modifying gwsrc/RSMPI_qkgroup_mod.F.

module rsmpi_rotkindex
use rsmpi
use rsmpi_qkgroup,only: RSMPI_qkgroup_Init,nk_local_qkgroup,ik_index_qkgroup
implicit none

! number of rotation operators for the current process
integer :: nrot_local_rotk
integer,allocatable :: irot_index_rotk(:) ! irot index

! number of k-points (in irr. BZ) for the current process
! used in gwsrc/sxcf_fal2_RSMPI.F
integer,allocatable :: nk_local_rotk(:) ! nk_local_rotk(ngrp)
integer,allocatable :: ik_index_rotk(:,:)


subroutine setup_rotkindex(ngrp,irk,wgt0, bzcase_in,nqibz,nq0i,nq_calc)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: ngrp,bzcase_in,nqibz,nq0i,nq_calc
integer,intent(in) :: irk(nqibz,ngrp)
real(8),intent(in) :: wgt0(nq0i,ngrp)
! local
integer :: iqini,iqend
integer :: nrotk_total
integer :: kr
integer,allocatable :: nrotktmp(:,:)
! counter
integer :: i,j,irot,kx
iqend = nqibz + nq0i
nrotk_total = 0
do irot=1,ngrp ! from main/hsfp0.m.F
if( sum(abs( irk(:,irot) )) ==0 .AND. &
sum(abs( wgt0(:,irot))) == 0d0 ) then
do kx=iqini,iqend
if( kx <= nqibz ) then
kr = irk(kx,irot)
if (kr == 0) then
if( wgt0(kx-nqibz,irot) == 0d0 ) then
nrotk_total = nrotk_total + 1
enddo ! do kx
enddo ! do irot
! calculate correct indexes of q- and k-point parallelization ! for each process ! (nq_local,iq_index, nk_local, ik_index)
call RSMPI_qkgroup_Init(nq_calc,nrotk_total) ! For each ik_index(calculated above) ! correspoinding irot and ik'-index is set
call set_nrot_nk_local(nrotk_total, nrotktmp(1:nrotk_total,1:2),ngrp,iqend-iqini+1)
end subroutine setup_rotkindex

subroutine set_nrot_nk_local(nrotk_total,nrotktmp,ngrp,nk)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: nrotk_total
integer,intent(in) :: nrotktmp(nrotk_total,2)
integer,intent(in) :: ngrp,nk
integer,allocatable :: irot_index_tmp(:)
integer :: irotk,irot_tmp,ir
logical :: newrot ! nk_local_qkgroup is defined in module RSMPI_qkgroup
if (nk_local_qkgroup > 0) then
allocate(ik_index_rotk(ngrp,nk)) ! set nrot_local_rotk and nk_local_rotk(1:ngrp),ik_index_rotk(1:ngrp,1:nk)
nrot_local_rotk = 0
if (nk_local_qkgroup > 0) irot_index_tmp(:) = 0
nk_local_rotk(:) = 0
ik_index_rotk(:,:) = 0
do irotk=1,nk_local_qkgroup
irot_tmp = nrotktmp(ik_index_qkgroup(irotk),1)
nk_local_rotk(irot_tmp) = nk_local_rotk(irot_tmp) + 1
ik_index_rotk(irot_tmp,nk_local_rotk(irot_tmp)) = nrotktmp(ik_index_qkgroup(irotk),2)
newrot = .true.
do ir=1,nrot_local_rotk
if (nrotktmp(ik_index_qkgroup(irotk),1) == irot_index_tmp(ir)) then
newrot = .false.
if (newrot) then
nrot_local_rotk = nrot_local_rotk + 1
irot_index_tmp(nrot_local_rotk) = nrotktmp(ik_index_qkgroup(irotk),1)
enddo ! set irot_index_rotk(1:nrot_local) ! and ik_index_rotk(1:ngrp,1:nk_local)
if (nrot_local_rotk > 0) then
irot_index_rotk(1:nrot_local_rotk) = irot_index_tmp(1:nrot_local_rotk)
if (nk_local_qkgroup > 0) deallocate(irot_index_tmp)
write(buf_rsmpi,*) "RS: ", myrank_id_rsmpi, " nrot_local = ",nrot_local_rotk
call RSMPI_Write(6)
end subroutine set_nrot_nk_local
end module RSMPI_rotkindex

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