A couple of scripts for the Sketch app.
Duplicate the selected object(s) and distribute them across the artboard, randomly rotating them.
Randomly rotate the selected object(s).
Add a bit of randomisation to a group of objects, by adjusting their position and rotation.
Take an object and duplicate by a user-defined amount to create a marching group.
Swap the position of two objects, taking into account their difference in height.
Duplicate an art board or group and replace the text inside the labels with user-provided data. This plugin expects csv data and will replace numeric tags (tagged with curly braces {}) with the csv data.
Note: this plugin has been moved to its own repository: https://github.com/kumo/sketch-mail-merge
- Download the ZIP file with the Plugins
- Copy the contents to the plugin folder (Open up Sketch, and go to
›Reveal Plugins Folder…
to open it.)
Plugin Folder Path
- App Store:
~/Library/Containers/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Data/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins