System-of-systems-modeller (SOSM) is a NodeJS-based web app supported by an SQL database (MySQL) which allows a user to model nodes, their interfaces and the ways in which they connect. SOSM uses a number of client-side JS libraries which attempts to provide a clean UI, whilst also providing a clear graphical representation of the system, or the particular view of the system that the user is currently interested in.
SOSM defines the following terms:
- Subsystem. The systems which make up the greater system.
- Interface. The means by which a platform (system) connects to other platforms (systems).
- Network. The link established between two or more interfaces.
- Feature. The technology used by a network as well as the technology that can be implemented by an interface.
SOSM requires a number of external dependencies to function. Client side external dependencies can be found within /www/index.html. Client side external dependencies include:
- Bootstrap JS ()
- Bootstrap CSS ()
- Cytoscape JS ()
- JQuery ()
Server-side dependencies include
- MySQL ()
- NodeJS
- NPM. With packages: -- MySQL2