This library provides a JSON tree view. You feed it JSON, and it transforms it into interactive HTML.
Try the online demo (source)
- show JSON as a tree of HTML
- expand/collapse nodes in the tree
- expand/collapse the entire tree
- select scalar values in the tree
See the docs or look at the example app's source code.
But if you really insist on something super simple, here goes:
import JsonTree
import Html exposing (text)
main =
JsonTree.parseString """[1,2,3]"""
|> (\tree -> JsonTree.view tree config JsonTree.defaultState)
|> Result.withDefault (text "Failed to parse JSON")
config = { onSelect = Nothing, toMsg = always () }
Note that the above example is only meant to give you a taste. It does not wire everything up, which means that some things will be broken (i.e. expand/collapse). See the docs and the example app for more details.
UI based on Gildas Lormeau's JSONView Chrome extension.