- Pull Liquidity Pools from DEX APIs or On-chain using Blockfrost / Kupo
- Submit and cancel swap orders
- Build your own data, wallet, or asset metadata providers to plug into Dexter
- Build swap datums given specific parameters using Dexters Definition Builder
- Load wallets using a seedphrase or CIP-30 interface using Lucid
npm i @indigo-labs/dexter
yarn add @indigo-labs/dexter
const dexterConfig: DexterConfig = {
shouldFetchMetadata: true, // Whether to fetch asset metadata (Best to leave this `true` for accurate pool info)
shouldFallbackToApi: true, // Only use when using Blockfrost or Kupo as data providers. On failure, fallback to the DEX API to grab necessary data
shouldSubmitOrders: false, // Allow Dexter to submit orders from swap requests. Useful during development
metadataMsgBranding: 'Dexter', // Prepend branding name in Tx message
const requestConfig: RequestConfig = {
timeout: 5000, // How long outside network requests have to reply
proxyUrl: '', // URL to prepend to all outside URLs. Useful when dealing with CORs
const dexter: Dexter = new Dexter(dexterConfig, requestConfig);
// Basic fetch example
.then((pools: LiquidityPool[]) => {
// Example loading wallet to be used in a swap
const lucidProvider: BaseWalletProvider = new LucidProvider();
.loadWallet(cip30Interface, {
url: 'https://cardano-mainnet.blockfrost.io/api/v0',
projectId: '<blockfrost-project-id>'
.then((walletProvider: BaseWalletProvider) => {
All providers outlined below are modular, so you can extend the 'base' of the specific provider you want to supply, and provide it to Dexter with one of the methods below.
dexByName(string): BaseDex | undefined
Grab a DEX instance by name.
withDataProvider(BaseDataProvider): Dexter
Set where Dexter should grab liquidity pool data.
By default, Dexter will use the DEX APIs to grab information. However, you can use Blockfrost or Kupo to supply your own data.
const provider: BaseDataProvider = new BlockfrostProvider(
url: 'https://cardano-mainnet.blockfrost.io/api/v0',
projectId: '<blockfrost-project-id>',
withWalletProvider(BaseWalletProvider): Dexter
Set who Dexter sends wallet requests to.
At this time, Dexter only supplies a Mock wallet provider & a Lucid provider. Behind the scenes, the lucid provider leverages Lucid to manage your wallet & create transactions.
const provider: BaseWalletProvider = new LucidProvider();
const seedphrase: string[] = ['...'];
const blockfrostConfig: BlockfrostConfig = {
url: 'https://cardano-mainnet.blockfrost.io/api/v0',
projectId: '<blockfrost-project-id>',
provider.loadWalletFromSeedPhrase(seedphrase, blockfrostConfig)
.then((walletProvider: BaseWalletProvider) => {
withMetadataProvider(BaseMetadataProvider): Dexter
Set where Dexter grabs necessary asset metadata.
By default, Dexter will use the Cardano Token Registry for grabbing
asset metadata. You can extend the BaseMetadataProvider
interface to provide your own metadata.
const provider: BaseMetadataProvider = new TokenRegistryProvider();
newFetchRequest(): FetchRequest
Create new request for liquidity pool data.
For available methods on the FetchRequest
instance, please see those specific
newSwapRequest(): SwapRequest
Create new request for a swap order.
For available methods on the SwapRequest
instance, please see those specific
newCancelSwapRequest(): CancelSwapRequest
Create new request for cancelling a swap order.
For available methods on the CancelSwapRequest
instance, please see those specific