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cdavis committed Dec 5, 2011
2 parents 74e3f5a + 81d1635 commit 3194614
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 61 deletions.
102 changes: 41 additions & 61 deletions webapp/graphite/render/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1139,6 +1139,24 @@ def secondYAxis(requestContext, seriesList): 'secondYAxis(%s)' %
return seriesList

def fetchWithBootstrap(requestContext, path, days):
'Request the same data but with a bootstrap period at the beginning'
previousContext = requestContext.copy()
# go back 1 week to get a solid bootstrap
previousContext['startTime'] = requestContext['startTime'] - timedelta(days)
previousContext['endTime'] = requestContext['endTime']
return evaluateTarget(previousContext, path)[0]

def trimBootstrap(bootstrap, original):
'Trim the bootstrap period off the front of this series so it matches the original'
original_len = len(original)
bootstrap_len = len(bootstrap)
length_limit = (original_len * original.step) / bootstrap.step
trim_start = bootstrap.end - (length_limit * bootstrap.step)
trimmed = TimeSeries(, trim_start, bootstrap.end, bootstrap.step,
return trimmed

def holtWintersIntercept(alpha,actual,last_season,last_intercept,last_slope):
return alpha * (actual - last_season) \
+ (1 - alpha) * (last_intercept + last_slope)
@@ -1154,9 +1172,10 @@ def holtWintersDeviation(gamma,actual,prediction,last_seasonal_dev):
prediction = 0
return gamma * math.fabs(actual - prediction) + (1 - gamma) * last_seasonal_dev

def holtWintersAnalysis(series, bootstrap=None):
def holtWintersAnalysis(series):
alpha = gamma = 0.1
beta = 0.0035
# season is currently one day
season_length = (24*60*60) / series.step
intercept = 0
slope = 0
@@ -1171,16 +1190,12 @@ def getLastSeasonal(i):
j = i - season_length
if j >= 0:
return seasonals[j]
if bootstrap:
return bootstrap['seasonals'][j]
return 0

def getLastDeviation(i):
j = i - season_length
if j >= 0:
return deviations[j]
if bootstrap:
return bootstrap['deviations'][j]
return 0

last_seasonal = 0
@@ -1201,15 +1216,10 @@ def getLastDeviation(i):

if i == 0:
if bootstrap:
last_intercept = bootstrap['intercepts'][-1]
last_slope = bootstrap['slopes'][-1]
prediction = bootstrap['predictions'][-1]
last_intercept = actual
last_slope = 0
# seed the first prediction as the first actual
prediction = actual
last_intercept = actual
last_slope = 0
# seed the first prediction as the first actual
prediction = actual
last_intercept = intercepts[-1]
last_slope = slopes[-1]
@@ -1254,55 +1264,22 @@ def getLastDeviation(i):
return results

def holtWintersFetchBootstrap(requestContext, seriesPath):
previousContext = requestContext.copy()
# go back 1 week to get a solid bootstrap
previousContext['startTime'] = requestContext['startTime'] - timedelta(7)
previousContext['endTime'] = requestContext['startTime']
bootstrapPath = "holtWintersBootstrap(%s)" % seriesPath
previousResults = evaluateTarget(previousContext, bootstrapPath)
return {'predictions': previousResults[0]
, 'deviations': previousResults[1]
, 'intercepts': previousResults[2]
, 'slopes': previousResults[3]
, 'seasonals': previousResults[4]

def holtWintersBootstrap(requestContext, seriesList):
results = []
for series in seriesList:
bootstrap = holtWintersAnalysis(series)
interceptSeries = TimeSeries('intercepts', series.start, series.end
, series.step, bootstrap['intercepts'])
slopeSeries = TimeSeries('slopes', series.start, series.end
, series.step, bootstrap['slopes'])
seasonalSeries = TimeSeries('seasonals', series.start, series.end
, series.step, bootstrap['seasonals'])

return results

def holtWintersForecast(requestContext, seriesList):
results = []
for series in seriesList:
bootstrap = holtWintersFetchBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression)
analysis = holtWintersAnalysis(series, bootstrap)
withBootstrap = fetchWithBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression, 7)
analysis = holtWintersAnalysis(withBootstrap)
results.append(trimBootstrap(analysis['predictions'], series))
return results

def holtWintersConfidenceBands(requestContext, seriesList):
results = []
for series in seriesList:
bootstrap = holtWintersFetchBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression)
analysis = holtWintersAnalysis(series, bootstrap)
forecast = analysis['predictions']
deviation = analysis['deviations']
seriesLength = len(series)
bootstrap = fetchWithBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression, 7)
analysis = holtWintersAnalysis(bootstrap)
forecast = trimBootstrap(analysis['predictions'], series)
deviation = trimBootstrap(analysis['deviations'], series)
seriesLength = len(forecast)
i = 0
upperBand = list()
lowerBand = list()
@@ -1319,10 +1296,10 @@ def holtWintersConfidenceBands(requestContext, seriesList):
lowerBand.append(forecast_item - scaled_deviation)
upperName = "holtWintersConfidenceUpper(%s)" %
lowerName = "holtWintersConfidenceLower(%s)" %
upperSeries = TimeSeries(upperName, series.start, series.end
, series.step, upperBand)
lowerSeries = TimeSeries(lowerName, series.start, series.end
, series.step, lowerBand)
upperSeries = TimeSeries(upperName, forecast.start, forecast.end
, forecast.step, upperBand)
lowerSeries = TimeSeries(lowerName, forecast.start, forecast.end
, forecast.step, lowerBand)
return results
@@ -1331,11 +1308,15 @@ def holtWintersAberration(requestContext, seriesList):
results = []
for series in seriesList:
confidenceBands = holtWintersConfidenceBands(requestContext, [series])
bootstrapped = fetchWithBootstrap(requestContext, series.pathExpression, 7)
series = trimBootstrap(bootstrapped, series)
upperBand = confidenceBands[0]
lowerBand = confidenceBands[1]
aberration = list()
for i, actual in enumerate(series):
if series[i] > upperBand[i]:
if series[i] is None:
elif series[i] > upperBand[i]:
aberration.append(series[i] - upperBand[i])
elif series[i] < lowerBand[i]:
aberration.append(series[i] - lowerBand[i])
@@ -1887,7 +1868,6 @@ def pieMinimum(requestContext, series):
# Calculate functions
'movingAverage' : movingAverage,
'stdev' : stdev,
'holtWintersBootstrap': holtWintersBootstrap,
'holtWintersForecast': holtWintersForecast,
'holtWintersConfidenceBands': holtWintersConfidenceBands,
'holtWintersAberration': holtWintersAberration,

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