This library provides a set of functions to authenticate and initialize Google Earth Engine (EE) sessions, retrieve EE tokens, and query Sentinel-2 image data. It supports both service account-based and token-based authentication, making it suitable for a wide range of EE applications.
- ee_init(): Authenticate and initialize an EE session using either a service account or a personal account token.
- get_token(): Retrieve an EE token from a local file for subsequent EE operations.
- SenL2A(startdate, enddate, aoi): Query Sentinel-2 images by date range and area of interest (AOI), with details about each image's acquisition date and cloud coverage.
Before using this library, ensure you have the Earth Engine Python API installed. You can install it using pip:
pip install earthengine-api
pip install ggee
from ggee import *
# Initialize EE without service account (token-based authentication)
# Initialize EE with service account
from your_library_name import get_token
# Retrieve and print the EE token
token = get_token()
from ggee import SenL2A
import ee
# Define your area of interest (AOI)
aoi = ee.Geometry.Rectangle([172.1057, -43.7345, 172.1701, -43.716])
# Query Sentinel-2 images
image_details = SenL2A('2021-01-01', '2021-01-31', aoi)
# Print image details
for detail in image_details:
Contributions to this library are welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.