Simple editor downloaded from courtesy of Michael Ringgaard.
<up> Move one line up (*) Ctrl+N New editor
<down> Move one line down (*) Ctrl+O Open file
<left> Move one character left (*) Ctrl+S Save file
<right> Move one character right (*) Ctrl+W Close file
<pgup> Move one page up (*) Ctrl+Q Quit
<pgdn> Move one page down (*) Ctrl+P Pipe command
Ctrl+<left> Move to previous word (*) Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+<right> Move to next word (*) Ctrl+C Copy selection to clipboard
<home> Move to start of line (*) Ctrl+X Cut selection to clipboard
<end> Move to end of line (*) Ctrl+V Paste from clipboard
Ctrl+<home> Move to start of file (*) Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+<end> Move to end of file (*) Ctrl+R Redo
<backspace> Delete previous character Ctrl+F Find text
<delete> Delete current character Ctrl+G Find next
Ctrl+<tab> Next editor Ctrl+L Goto line
<tab> Indent selection F1 Help
Shift+<tab> Unindent selection F3 Navigate to file
F5 Redraw screen
(*) Extends selection if combined with Shift
Press any key to continue...
This is just to make sure it doesn't get lost and provide a Makefile for it.
Copyright (C) 2002 Michael Ringgaard. All rights reserved. See source for more information.