This is the 1st project from the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program. The programm automatically generates and launches an HTML Document displaying a specified list of movies, including the movie title, storyline, imdb details, poster image and trailer from youtube.
Before running any python programms please check if you have Python installed on you're machine!
You can check this by running the command python --version
from the terminal.
Open the file "" (for example in Python IDLE) and provide some movie data. It should follow this syntax: movie_name = media.Movie("Movie Name", "The movie storyline in one or two sentences.", "URL to the IMDB site of the movie", "URL to a poster image (upright orientation preferred)", "URL to the youtube trailer")
Collect all movies in a list like this: movies = [movie_a, movie_b, movie_c]
Run the application by typing
from the terminal. If you are using Python IDLE, open "" and choose "Run Module" from the "Run" menu. This will run the main functionfresh_tomatoes.open_movies_page(movies)
Make sure "", "" and "" are located in the same directory. The directory must be read-write, so the "open_movie_page" function can generate a HTML file.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me: [email protected]
Created by Tobias Merz (tobi238)