Un-spaghetti and speed-up your data processing pipelines without usage of any complex DAG framework
- Fast in-memory pipeline runtime. Suitable for online transaction processing
- No Graph DSL needed. Just use Pyhton type annotations to declare node's dependencies
- Strong topological analysis based pipeline execution engine with MVCC support
- Synchronous and asyncronous processor nodes supported
- Asyncronous pipeline interface enabled by default
- Simple but powerful control flow operators - no need to declare branches or node groups, just declare right dependencies
- Built-in pipeline visualizer
- Support for pipeline lifecycle events
import asyncio
import time
from ml_pipeline_engine.chart import PipelineChart
from ml_pipeline_engine.dag_builders.annotation import build_dag
from ml_pipeline_engine.dag_builders.annotation.marks import Input
from ml_pipeline_engine.node import ProcessorBase
from ml_pipeline_engine.parallelism import threads_pool_registry
# 1. Setup thread pool
# 2. Define nodes and their dependencies
class InvertNumber(ProcessorBase):
def process(self, num: float) -> float:
return -num
class AsyncAddConst(ProcessorBase):
async def process(self, num: Input(InvertNumber), const: float = 0.2) -> float:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
return num + const
class DoubleNumber(ProcessorBase):
def process(self, num: Input(InvertNumber)) -> float:
return num * 2
class AddNumbers(ProcessorBase):
def process(self, num1: Input(AsyncAddConst), num2: Input(DoubleNumber)) -> float:
return num1 + num2
# 3. Define pipeline
pipeline = PipelineChart(
build_dag(input_node=InvertNumber, output_node=AddNumbers),
# 4. Run it
async def main():
start = time.time()
result = await pipeline.run(input_kwargs=dict(num=3.0))
end = time.time()
assert result.error is None
assert result.value == -8.8
# Execution engine used concurrency, basing on graph topology analysis,
# so AsyncAddConst and DoubleNumber nodes were ran in parallel
assert end - start < 2.1
if __name__ == "__main__":
See additional usage examples here: docs/usage_examples.md
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/tochka-public/ml-pipeline-engine.git
Go to the project directory
cd ml-pipeline-engine
Use Python>=3.8
and the package manager poetry to install ml-pipeline-engine dependencies
poetry install --no-root
For further contribution, use pre-commit hooks to maintain consistent code format
pre-commit install -f --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type pre-push
Run tests
python -m pytest tests