yarn add nest-next
In the main.ts
, import Next and prepare it. Get the RenderService
and register it by passing it the
Nest application and next server.
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const app = Next({ dev });
await app.prepare();
const server = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
const renderer = server.get(RenderModule);
renderer.register(server, app);
await server.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);
In the application.module.ts
import the RenderModule.
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { RenderModule } from 'nest-next';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
interface RenderOptions {
viewsDir: null | string;
dev: boolean;
Views/Pages Folder
By default the the renderer will serve pages from the /pages/views
dir. Due to limitations with
Next the /pages
dir is not configurable, but the directory within the /pages
dir is configurable.
The register
method on the RenderModule
takes an optional parameter viewsDir
which determine the
folder inside of pages
to render from. By default the value is /views
but this can be changed or
set to null to render from the root of pages
Dev Mode
By default the dev mode will be set to true unless the NODE_ENV is production. Currently the dev mode determines how the errors should be serialized before being sent to next.
The RenderModule
overrides the Express/Fastify render. To render a page in your controller import
the Render decorator from @nestjs/common
and add it to the method that will render the page. The
path for the page is relative to the /pages
import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
export class AppController {
public index() {
// initial props
return {
title: 'Next with Nest',
Additionally, the render function is made available on the res object.
export class AppController {
public index(@Res() res) {
res.render('Index', {
title: 'Next with Nest',
The render function takes in the view, as well as the initial props passed to the page.
render = (view: string, initialProps?: any) => any
By default, errors will be handled and rendered with next's error renderer, which uses the (customizable) _error page. Additionally, errors can be intercepted by setting your own error handler.
A custom error handler can be set to override or enhance the default behavior. This can be used for things such as logging the error or rendering a different response.
In your custom error handler you have the option of just intercepting and inspecting the error, or sending your own response. If a response is sent from the error handler, the request is considered done and the error won't be forwarded to next's error renderer. If a response is not sent in the error handler, after the handler returns the error is forwarded to the error renderer. See the request flow below for visual explanation.
ErrorHandler Typedef
export type ErrorHandler = (
err: any,
req: any,
res: any,
pathname: any,
query: ParsedUrlQuery,
) => Promise<any>;
Setting ErrorHandler
You can set the error handler by getting the RenderService from nest's container.
// in main.ts file after registering the RenderModule
const main() => {
const renderer = server.get(RenderModule);
renderer.register(server, app);
// get the RenderService
const service = server.get(RenderService);
service.setErrorHandler(async (err, req, res) => {
// send JSON response
The image is linked to a larger version
Next renders pages from the pages directory. The Nest source code can remain in the default /src
Required Dependencies
Next Config
To enable typescript and custom server support with Next the next.config.js
file must be modified.
const withTypescript = require('@zeit/next-typescript');
module.exports = withTypescript({
useFileSystemPublicRoutes: false,
The .babelrc file must be edited as well.
"presets": ["next/babel", "@zeit/next-typescript/babel"],
"plugins": [
"legacy": true
A fully setup project with some additional things (.env, caching) can be viewed in the example folder