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vanilla SQL with params for Clojure/Script

  • no DSL
  • no comments parsing
  • no namespace creations
  • no defs / defqueries
  • no dependencies
  • no edn SQL

just "read SQL with :params"

Clojars Project


SQL is a great language, it is very expressive and exremely well optimized and supported by "SQL" databases. it needs no wrappers. it should live in its pure SQL form.

inquery does two things:

  • reads SQL files
  • substitutes params at runtime

Clojure APIs cover all the rest

using inquery

inquery is about SQL: it does not require or force a particular JDBC library or a database.

But to demo an actual database conversation, this example will use "funcool/clojure.jdbc" to speak to a sample H2 database since both of them are great.

There is nothing really to do other than to bring the queries into a map with a make-query-map function:

$ make repl

=> (require '[inquery.core :as q]
            '[jdbc.core :as jdbc])

dbspec along with a set of queries would usually come from config.edn / consul / etc :

=> (def dbspec {:subprotocol "h2"
                :subname "file:/tmp/solar"})

=> (def queries (q/make-query-map #{:create-planets

inquiry by default will look under sql/* path for queries. In this case "dev-resources" is in a classpath:

▾ dev-resources/sql/
      create-planets.sql
      find-planets-by-mass.sql
      find-planets-by-name.sql
      find-planets.sql

Ready to roll, let's create some planets:

=> (with-open [conn (jdbc/connection dbspec)]
     (jdbc/execute conn (:create-planets queries)))

check out the solar system:

=> (with-open [conn (jdbc/connection dbspec)]
     (jdbc/fetch conn (:find-planets queries)))

[{:id 1, :name "Mercury", :mass 330.2M}
 {:id 2, :name "Venus", :mass 4868.5M}
 {:id 3, :name "Earth", :mass 5973.6M}
 {:id 4, :name "Mars", :mass 641.85M}
 {:id 5, :name "Jupiter", :mass 1898600M}
 {:id 6, :name "Saturn", :mass 568460M}
 {:id 7, :name "Uranus", :mass 86832M}
 {:id 8, :name "Neptune", :mass 102430M}
 {:id 9, :name "Pluto", :mass 13.105M}]

find all the planets with mass less or equal to the mass of Earth:

=> (with-open [conn (jdbc/connection dbspec)]
     (jdbc/fetch conn (-> (:find-planets-by-mass queries)
                          (q/with-params {:max-mass 5973.6}))))

[{:id 1, :name "Mercury", :mass 330.2M}
 {:id 2, :name "Venus", :mass 4868.5M}
 {:id 3, :name "Earth", :mass 5973.6M}
 {:id 4, :name "Mars", :mass 641.85M}
 {:id 9, :name "Pluto", :mass 13.105M}]

which planet is the most artsy:

=> (with-open [conn (jdbc/connection dbspec)]
     (jdbc/fetch conn (-> (:find-planets-by-name queries)
                      (q/with-params {:name "%art%"}))))

[{:id 3, :name "Earth", :mass 5973.6M}]


by default inquery will "SQL escape" all the parameters that need to be substituted in a query.

in case you need to not escape the params inquery has options to not escape the whole query with {:esc :don't}:

=> (with-open [conn (jdbc/connection dbspec)]
     (jdbc/fetch conn (-> (:find-planets-by-name queries)
                      (q/with-params {:name "%art%"}
                                     {:esc :don't}))))

or per individual parameter with {:as val}:

=> (with-open [conn (jdbc/connection dbspec)]
     (jdbc/fetch conn (-> (:find-planets-by-name queries)
                      (q/with-params {:name {:as ""}
                                      :mass 42}))))

things to note about escaping

nils are converted to "null":

=> (-> "name = :name" (q/with-params {:name nil}))
"name = null"

{:as nil} or {:as ""} are "as is", so it will be replaced with an empty string:

=> (-> "name = :name" (q/with-params {:name {:as nil}}))
"name = "

=> (-> "name = :name" (q/with-params {:name {:as ""}}))
"name = "

"" will become a "SQL empty string":

=> (-> "name = :name" (q/with-params {:name ""}))
"name = ''"

see tests for more examples.

dynamic queries

inquery can help out with some runtime decision making to build SQL predicates.

with-preds function takes a map of {pred-fn sql-predicate}.
for each "true" predicate function its sql-predicate will be added to the query:

=> (q/with-preds "select planet from solar_system where this = that"
                 {#(= 42 42) "and type = :type"})

"select planet from solar_system where this = that and type = :type"
=> (q/with-preds "select planet from solar_system where this = that"
                 {#(= 42 42) "and type = :type"
                  #(= 28 34) "and size < :max-size"})

"select planet from solar_system where this = that and type = :type"

if both predicates are true, both will be added:

=> (q/with-preds "select planet from solar_system where this = that"
                  {#(= 42 42) "and type = :type"
                   #(= 28 28) "and size < :max-size"})

"select planet from solar_system where this = that and type = :type and size < :max-size"

some queries don't come with where clause, for these cases with-preds takes a prefix:

=> (q/with-preds "select planet from solar_system"
                  {#(= 42 42) "and type = :type"
                   #(= 28 34) "and size < :max-size"}
                  {:prefix "where"})

"select planet from solar_system where type = :type"

developer will know the (first part of the) query, so this decision is not "hardcoded".

=> (q/with-preds "select planet from solar_system"
                  {#(= 42 42) "and type = :type"
                   #(= 34 34) "and size < :max-size"}
                  {:prefix "where"})

"select planet from solar_system where type = :type and size < :max-size"

in case none of the predicates are true, "where" prefix won't be used:

=> (q/with-preds "select planet from solar_system"
                  {#(= 42 -42) "and type = :type"
                   #(= 34 28) "and size < :max-size"}
                   {:prefix "where"})

"select planet from solar_system"


$ lumo -i src/inquery/core.cljc --repl
Lumo 1.2.0
ClojureScript 1.9.482
 Docs: (doc function-name-here)
 Exit: Control+D or :cljs/quit or exit

cljs.user=> (ns inquery.core)

depending on how a resource path is setup, an optional parameter {:path "..."} could help to specify the path to queries:

inquery.core=> (def queries
                 (make-query-map #{:create-planets
                                 {:path "dev-resources/sql"}))
inquery.core=> (print queries)

{:create-planets -- create planets
drop table if exists planets;
create table planets (id bigint auto_increment, name varchar, mass decimal);

insert into planets (name, mass) values ('Mercury', 330.2),
                                        ('Venus', 4868.5),
                                        ('Earth', 5973.6),
                                        ('Mars', 641.85),
                                        ('Jupiter', 1898600),
                                        ('Saturn', 568460),
                                        ('Uranus', 86832),
                                        ('Neptune', 102430),
                                        ('Pluto', 13.105);
, :find-planets -- find all planets
select * from planets;
, :find-planets-by-mass -- find planets under a certain mass
select * from planets where mass <= :max-mass
inquery.core=> (-> queries
                   (with-params {:max-mass 5973.6}))

-- find planets under a certain mass
select * from planets where mass <= 5973.6


development scratchpad with sample shortcuts:

$ make repl

=> (require '[scratchpad :as sp :refer [dbspec queries]])

=> (sp/execute dbspec (:create-planets queries))

=> (sp/fetch dbspec (:find-planets queries))

[{:id 1, :name "Mercury", :mass 330.2M}
 {:id 2, :name "Venus", :mass 4868.5M}
 {:id 3, :name "Earth", :mass 5973.6M}
 {:id 4, :name "Mars", :mass 641.85M}
 {:id 5, :name "Jupiter", :mass 1898600M}
 {:id 6, :name "Saturn", :mass 568460M}
 {:id 7, :name "Uranus", :mass 86832M}
 {:id 8, :name "Neptune", :mass 102430M}
 {:id 9, :name "Pluto", :mass 13.105M}]

=> (sp/fetch dbspec (:find-planets-by-mass queries) {:max-mass 5973.6})

[{:id 1, :name "Mercury", :mass 330.2M}
 {:id 2, :name "Venus", :mass 4868.5M}
 {:id 3, :name "Earth", :mass 5973.6M}
 {:id 4, :name "Mars", :mass 641.85M}
 {:id 9, :name "Pluto", :mass 13.105M}]


Copyright © 2022 tolitius

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


vanilla SQL with params for Clojure/Script







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