Add PostgreSQL multiranges support
vips-powered ruby gem to measure images similarity, implementing dHash and IDHash algorithms
Powerful devtools for Ruby on Rails. Inspired by the Laravel Debugbar.
A Ruby test framework for people who don't have time for slow tests 💣💥
Login via email, SMS, or whatever would use a temporary code
Ruby wrapper for MRML, the MJML parser implementation in Rust.
The ultimate Turbo / Stimulus / Hotwire modal window for Rails
Build LLM-powered applications in Ruby
sighmon / mjml-rails
Forked from robotex82/markerbMJML + ERb/Haml/Slim view template
A production ready example Rails app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.
AI-Powered Assistant Gem right in your Rails console. Full power of ChatGPT in Rails
Elegant, resilient, durable workflows for Rails apps
Rack middleware for defining a canonical host name.
Handy little tools to that turn boring text box inputs into wonderful things.
Render a Rack app (Rails/Sinatra/etc) to a static build so it can be served by Netlify, Now, GitHub Pages, S3, or any other web server.
Get a flamegraph anywhere in your code base. Powered by stackprof, rbspy, and speedscope
Showcase lets you build previews for your partials, components, view helpers, Stimulus controllers and more.
A jsx-inspired way to render view components in Ruby.