The best way to schedule your service!
This API provides everything needed to organize appointments between the barbers and customers.
Customers can choose the best time available to them.
Providers can see all their appointments, manage the times, also see if one client canceled the schedule.
- Yarn -version: 1.22.4
- Node.js - version: 12.18.2
- Ts-Node - version: 8.9.1
- TypeScript - version: 3.8.3
- TypeORM - version: 0.2.24
- Express - version: 4.17.1
- JWT-Token - version: 8.5.1
- BcryptJS - version: 2.4.3
- Multer - version: 1.4.2
- NodeMailer - version: 6.4.10
- Handlebars - version: 4.7.6
- Date-fns - version: 2.12.0
- TSYRinge - version: 4.3.0
- JEST - version: 26.0.1
- UUID v4 - version: 6.0.7
- PostgreSQL - version: 12.2
- MongoDB - version: 3.5.9
- Redis - version: 3.0.2
- ESLint - version: 6.8.0
- Prettier - version: 2.0.4
$ git clone
Install YARN with NPM
$ npm install yarn -g
Install dependencies
$ yarn
$ yarn dev:server
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made by Tomás Carvalho 👋 See my linkedin