ConvSim is a fast simulation framework for 3D coded aperture imaging. It computes the detector image from a 3D volume distribution of gamma sources described as a voxel cube.
Detailed description: Meißner, T., Pietrantonio, S., Nahm, W., & Hesser, J. W. (2023). Towards a fast and accurate simulation framework for 3D spherical source localization in the near field of a coded aperture gamma camera. In L. D. Lilge & Z. Huang (Eds.), Translational Biophotonics: Diagnostics and Therapeutics III (Issue October, p. 20). SPIE.
ConvSim requires the following Python packages:
- numpy 1.19
- tensorflow 2.5.0
- opencv-python
- matplotlib 3.5.0
Please note the following:
- We publish the software as it is, do not guarantee proper performance and do not provide support
- Nevertheless, we highly acknowledge feedback. Use the issues functionality in github. If you feel like contributing, just open a pull request.