Twitter bot for finding webinars:
Tweets us @webinarg with something in the following form:
the tile of the talk, as long as you want
#date #time
#extra #hashtags
For example:
my webinar about stuff #10Dec #8pm #medicine #hospitals @webinarg
Strictly speaking, the order of the hashtags and link at the bottom don't really matter too much, but the tilte must come before them.
Do we want to record the extra @mentions?
Google sheets interface: enable the drive and sheets API on the google developer console. create a service account, which has a specific email associated with it share the relevant sheets with the service account by using this email address
Use tweet_mode='extended'
for all tweepy API calls that return Status
objects to ensure text isn't clipped down to 140 chars.
Catching duplicate events: can we distinguish between the original tweet that @mentions us, and gives the event info, and anyone else who is simply re-tweeting someone elses tweet? use api.retweets() gives the first 100 retweets of a given tweet. add field to model to store retweets? provide weblink on index page to the origin tweet on twitter if tweet is retweet, it contains property named 'retweeted_status' when parsing tweets, add a check for datetime (don't parse old tweets)