Financial App which shows you how well your portfolio is diversified, depending on Region,Sector and other entities.
------------ Docker ------------
docker run -p 8000:8000 66122001/financialapp in order to run docker container on local port 8000
------------ API ------------
In order to see the most important data about a stock or ETF type its ticker at the top right corner
As a result we'll receive the data
------------ CALCULATOR ------------ Another feature is an investment calculator By giving parameters the calculator will calculate the future income
------------ PORTFOLIO TRACKER ------------
To see the diversification of our portfolio we need to provide some data about our entities
or update/delete it
If the former is satisfied we can see the diversification
- depending on entity
We can also have a look at the data represented by different types of chart (bar,line or pie) - each type can be selected using the select form
- depending on region
- depending on sector
------------- SOCIAL DATA -------------
Each user can see how many users invest in the same stocks, regions and sectors
And also see the additional data