Web application that helps with achieving weight and workout goals
--------- DOCKER ------------------
docker run --rm -d -p 8000:8000 66122001/workoutapp in order to run docker container on local port 8000 (e.g. localhost:8000)
------------------------------------------------- WEIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------
We can keep track of the daily and weekly changes of our weight, with its data displayed on table and chart.
We can also update or delete the weight value if needed.
------------------------------------------------ EXERCISE --------------------------------------------------------
Another feature helps us to manage the workout schedule. All we need to do is add a new exercise or training (such as running, cycling or Yoga)
All trained muscles will be shown as a button (also their responsive exercises after clicking the button)
In order to edit the exercise all we need to do is click the update button next to it
------------------------------------------------ CALENDAR --------------------------------------------------------
Thanks to the calendar we are able to plan our workout routine, to update the calendar we need to click on the day and choose exercises.