Free to use cryptodashboard build to show stats from the Verus Protocol.
Useful for Javascript developers and can be used as a monitor for your PBaaS or currencies on the Verus Protocol.
- A running Verus Node
- A running Redis server
- One to more running instance of - one for every pbaas chain - change the port e.g. 9009 for verus, 9010 for varrr and 9011 for vdex so you have multiple endpoints. Remember also to change username and password to the Verus RPC.
- Run NPM install
- Make sure you have endpoints up and running e.g. http://localhost:9009/mining/getmininginfo and http://localhost:9010/mining/getmininginfo
- Create .env file with e.g VERUS_REST_API=http://localhost:9009/ VERUS_REST_API_VARRR=http://localhost:9010/ VERUS_REST_API_VDEX=http://localhost:9011/
- Prepare coinsupply - call e.g. http://localhost:9009/blockchain/coinsupply/3262063 <- change the blocknumber to the latest - this can take up to an hour and you may call the endpoint a couple of times because it times out. When getting a result go on to the next step.
- Run node cacheserver.js - this will call Verus RPC every 1 minute and save the results in Redis.
- Run node index.js - this will run the cryptodashboard and call the Redis server. If user inputs as address balance is used the index.js also calls additional endpoints to get the latest values.
- Open your browser and go to the page http://localhost:3000/ and you will see the cryptodashboard.
- This project is still in development - missing some error handling
- Things could be more compact and code could be more reuseably