Python library for the control of the TC-720 temperature controller.
The TC-720 is a peltier based temperature control device made by TE Technology Inc. which can control the temperature with high presision and speed. The company provides a graphic user interface to control and monitor the TC-720. This package was written to make it possible to incorporate the TC-720 in projects that require automatic control of the TC-720.
The TC-720 has a large range of functions and settings. Most have been included in this code but not all, as they were too advanced or not relevant for our use. However, with this code and Appendix B of the operating manual (see under Manuals) it should be possible to easily write the desired functions (please contribute).
- Install the dependencies:
pip install pyserial
- Download or clone the code.
- Import the library:
import Py_TC720
- Find the device address:
This will give you the port address of the device.
On windows the address looks like: 'COMX' and on unix it looks like 'dev/ttyUSBX', where X is the address number.
It will also give you the device's serial number, which you can use to find the port of this machine in the future, by using:find_address(identifier='device-serial-number')
. - Use the address to instantiate the controller:
my_device = Py_TC720.TC720(address)
- You are now ready to use the TC-720.
- For example: Use the
function to set the controller to a desired temperature.
The controller has 8 'locations' that can hold information for a temperature cycle. You can program these using the my_device.set_single_sequence()
function. For each location you need to specify the desired temperature (soak temp), the time it should take to reach the desired temperature (ramp time), the time it should hold that temperature (soak time), the number of times this location should be performed (repeats) and the next step/location that should be performed if the current location is fully excecuted (repeat location). These 8 steps are the same as the 8 slots in the graphical interface that is provided by TE Technology Inc.
You can start the excecution of the locations by calling my_device.start_control()
. The controller will start with excecuting location 1, and then move to the next location as indicated by the repeat location value.
To stop the operation use: my_device.set_idle()
You can get the settings of each location by using: my_device.get_sequence(location='all')