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SENet implementation on TensorFlow Slim
Simple Tensorflow implementation of "Squeeze and Excitation Networks" using Cifar10 (ResNeXt, Inception-v4, Inception-resnet-v2)
CBAM implementation on TensorFlow Slim
Sequence to Sequence Learning with Keras
Four styles of encoder decoder model by Python, Theano, Keras and Seq2Seq
Sequence modeling benchmarks and temporal convolutional networks
Tensorflow prebuilt binary for Windows
TinySleepNet: An Efficient Deep Learning Model for Sleep Stage Scoring based on Raw Single-Channel EEG by Akara Supratak and Yike Guo from The Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University and Imperial Colleg…
DeepSleepNet: a Model for Automatic Sleep Stage Scoring based on Raw Single-Channel EEG
EEG Sleep stage classification using CNN with Keras
SleepEEGNet: Automated Sleep Stage Scoring with Sequence to Sequence Deep Learning Approach
Tensor clustering: evaluate the stability of ICA decomposition by consider the infromation from both component matrix and coefficient matrix.
Project for identify human sleep stage using the combination of ELM and PSO compared to the combination of SVM and PSO