Because everyone needs a Kotlin Multiplatform library to share crepes recipes ! #bzh
This is a sample project to show an implementation of a Kotlin Multiplatform library with Compose.
The purpose is to share a "business" module to get and transform crepe recipes. Then used the module in an Android, iOS, Desktop and web app.
🚧 Work in progress 🚧
- Ktor for the asynchronous http client.
- kotlinx.serialization.
- Koin for multiplatform for dependency injection 🆕
- Coroutines.
- Ktlint as Kotlin linter.
- Jetpack Compose in the sample android app for creating the ui.
- Navigation for the navigation in the android app.
- Jetpack Compose for Desktop 🆕
- Glide for image loading
- SwitfUi in the iOS sample App.
👤 Gosunet
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