Code Clean Up
Recursively clean up all files in a PHP project by assigning clean up tasks. Clean up tasks available:
- add/remove custom doc block headers for PHP files
- clean up undefined constants in array square brakets
- beginning with PHP 7.2 unquoted array keys produce the Warning "Use of undefined constant ..." and in future versions this will trigger a hard error)
- automatically quote all strings which are undefined constants used inside square brackets as array keys
- old style array usage like $a[key1] will be automatically transformed into $a['key1']
- also parse and compute a list of defined constants in the project/root path specified, and whitelist them them for usage without quotes as array keys
- add curly brackets around arrays used inside double quote and heredoc string definitions
- It's recommended to run it for your project on DEV first, check functionality and then push to LIVE.
- When running on a real project, it's a good idea to backup the project files first, just to be sure that what you are doing matches what you're expecting.
- Install
git clone lx-utils
cd lx-utils
composer install --no-dev
- Console command
$ php run/cleanUpSquareBrackets.php /path/you/want/to/clean/up
- Project/Library
use Lx\Utils\CodeCleanUp\CodeCleanUp;
$result = (new CodeCleanUp())
// Available information:
// $result->filesChanged - list of files which were changed
// $result->errors - list of errors
- Clone project locally:
git clone lx-utils
cd lx-utils
- Set-up project and install composer deps:
composer install
- Run unit testing:
mkdir -p testing/data/Utils/tmp
cd testing/
- Check the code coverage of tests by opening in browser: