This repository contains Jupyter notebooks and Python files associated with the Machine Learning Refined blog, a set of supplementary resources for the textbook Machine Learning Refined (Cambridge University Press). Visit for free chapter downloads and tutorials, and our Amazon site for details regarding a hard copy of the text.
Python 3 and a number of standard Python packages for scientific computing (numpy, matplotlib, and Jupyter being the most common) are required to use the notebooks in this repo, as well as a latex. To get these basic libraries we highly recommend downloading the Anaconda Python 3 distribution.
Many of these notebooks also require the Automatic Differentiator autograd which can be installed by typing the following command at your terminal
pip install autograd
Note: to pull a minimial sized clone of this repo (including only the most recent commit) use a shallow pull as follows
git clone --depth 1
This repository is in active development by Jeremy Watt and Reza Borhani - please do not hesitate to reach out with comments / questions / typos / etc.,