MoMMI is a versatile bot designed for the official /vg/station13 Discord server. It operates in two distinct parts: a Python component and a Rust component.
- MoMMI's Python part runs on Python 3.6 (via venv) and consists of multiple modules, each configured through specific configuration files.
- MoMMI's Rust component runs on Rustc 1.75.0-nightly (cae0791da as of 2023-10-05). It is a Rocket web server responsible for handling potential webhooks (if configured for GitHub) and Byond nudges (world.export).
The configuration files for this project were initially empty. This repository aims to provide clarity on how to configure and use MoMMI.
To successfully use the DM compiler, you need to have the Byond DreamMaker command installed on your computer.
MoMMI currently supports the following features:
- Wiggle/Dance
- SS13 Nudges
- DM Code Compilation
- @mommi status
- @mommi help
- @mommi remind
- WYCI/When You Code It
- "Based" (based on what?)
- @mommi magic8ball
- @mommi pick(x, y)
- Channel Mirror
The following features are not yet implemented:
- GitHub Testmerge (previously available in another bot)
Some features might not work as expected:
- @mommi help github (configuration error)
- GitHub/Changelog Webhooks (Rust code; not yet configured)
The IRC feature is currently unconfigured and untested.
You might notice the Dockerfile. It is not used in practice as of writing. Please ignore it or fix it yourself.
Please refer to the relevant documentation or contact the project maintainers for further assistance or to report issues.