Below you can find a outline of how to run my solution to Kaggle's Abstraction and Reasoning Challenge. If you run into any trouble with the setup/code or have any questions you can contact me at [email protected]
- Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
- Intel® Core™ i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz × 8
- 16GB RAM
- Python 3.6.9
- g++ 7.5.0
Any Python 3 and g++ supporting c++17 should work.
The comptition data is already in the "dataset" folder for conveniece.
You can run the model on the evaluation dataset using depth 2 with (takes 70 seconds on my computer):
python3 run.py
You can view a summary of the results with:
python3 summary.py
It should give 129 / 419 correct predictions.
To run using depth 3, change "run_depth" to 3 in run.py
To run on the training dataset, change "sample_dir" to "training" on line 79 in src/runner.cpp, and set "inds = range(0,416)" in summary.py
To run the full model and produce precictions on the test set (takes 9 hours), change "eval" to 1 on line 75 on src/runner.cpp and run
python3 safe_run.py
This produces the output file named "submission_part.csv", which can be renamed to "submission.csv" to submit to the competition.