A nightscout webpage is needed, since that is where the data is fetched from with the API.
A token needs roughly the following permissions to fetch data using the API: api:*:read
It is possible to remove the token, if your nightscout is publicly open. In that case the variable named getFromAPI needs a little tweak. However, using tokens is highly recommended.
It is possible to use an ESP32 instead of ESP8266 (d1-mini). In that case the code needs to be re-written since the libraries used are for the ESP8266.
Update secrets.h to match your configuration.
to match the length of your led array (ws2182b).
Either update D1
to match the GPIO number for the D1 pin, or set LED_PIN
to the pin you've soldered the ws2182b data pin to.
- Double check what libraries are actually needed.
- Should the BG level indications be fetched from nightscout api? (i.e. personalizations determine what ranges to use for colours) - feels like overkill
- Lint and unify what the code is written like. Right now it isn't consistent, because of the short amount of time spent to write it.
- Document how to set things up better. What libraries/boards to you need to install using Arduino IDE?