Diorite is currently in very early stage of development, most of features still not work or they are buggy.
Diorite project is made from 4 modules:
- DioriteAPI -> Shared basic API for client and server.
- DioriteCore -> Shared core code between client and server, it may sometimes change but we will try to not breaking plugins using it too. It is needed to write core mods.
- Diorite -> Server implementation of Diroite.
- DioritOS -> Client implementation of Diorite.
Why all modules are in one repo? We wanted to make contributing simple, without need to configure multiple modules in correct directories, using more advanced git commands etc, you only need fork it, and clone it.
Diorite is/will be based on pipelines (all event will be replaced by pipelines too), at the end most of server/client code will be somewhere used in pipeline allowing plugins/mods to change how it works. Also Diorite will contains special objects contains default behavior, like drop, inventory slots etc, this objects can be changed by plugins on start, so you don't even use pipelines/events here.
Why we are also creating client? When it will start working we are planning add more possible features between Diorite Server and Client, like adding custom blocks at runtime. (Currently no plans to allow sending custom Java code between server/client, as it may be too hard to make secure) Both server and client will be still compatible with other Minecraft servers and clients.
See here: https://github.com/Diorite/Diorite/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
(Goals here are not related to DioritOS project, client project isn't currently in development)
- Basic map generation
- Basic structures
- Basic block breaking.
- Full block breaking, with checking time etc...
- Basic drop system.
- Full drop system with all correct drops.
- Biomes
- Light
- Advanced structures
- Working vanillia-like map generation.
- Signs
- Containers
- Furnaces
- Enchanting
- Anvil
- Crafting table.
- Client may connect to Diorite server.
- Authorization with Mojang servers.
- Working chat.
- Command system and API
- Basic inventory.
- Opening and editing other inventories, like chests.
- Damage and other stuff.
- First working entity. (ItemEntity)
- Custom names and other stuff.
- Basic physics.
- Basic interactions between entities and world. Like damage etc.
- Basic AI for animals and monster.
- Better AI
- Whole interaction system.
- Implement all entities.
- Dropped items (partially works)
- Experience Orb
- Lead knot
- Painting
- Item Frame
- Armor Stand
- Ender Crystal
- Thrown egg
- Shot arrow
- Thrown snowball
- Ghast fireball
- Blaze fireball
- Thrown Ender Pearl
- Thrown Eye of Ender
- Thrown splash potion
- Thrown Bottle o' Enchanting
- Wither Skull
- Firework Rocket
- Primed TNT
- Falling blocks
- Minecart with Command Block
- Boat
- Minecart
- Minecart with Chest
- Minecart with Furnace
- Minecart with TNT
- Minecart with Hopper
- Minecart with Spawner
- Creeper
- Skeleton
- Wither Skeleton
- Spider
- Giant
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Slime
- Ghast
- Zombie Pigman
- Enderman
- Cave Spider
- Silverfish
- Blaze
- Magma Cube
- Ender Dragon
- Wither
- Endermite
- Witch
- Guardian
- Elder Guardian
- Shulker
- Killer Rabbit
- Bat
- Pig
- Sheep
- Cow
- Chicken
- Squid
- Wolf
- Mooshroom
- Snow Golem
- Ocelot
- Iron Golem
- Horse
- Rabbit
- Villager
- Enchanting
- Crafting
- Potions
- Food
- Health
- Air
- Suffering in blocks.
- Scoreboards
- Titles
- World border
- Redstone stuff.
- Create basic plugin loader
- Basic Core mods.
- Make server start as pipeline and allow to edit it from core mods.
- Add dependency settings to plugins.
- Make looking for main class faster. (currently there is only cache but first loading can be still slow)
- Creating custom packets.
- All this stuff that I forget to list here.