A C++ based license plate manager that contains Illinois state license plates and basic identifying information for their respective owners. The manager will be able to store new license plates received through either manual entry or random generation as well as update information belonging to existing license plates. Users will be able to look up a license plate number through manual input of the number or an image input.
- Ability to generate valid, non-duplicate license plate numbers in ascending order from a given starting point.
- Ability to save and load a csv data file containing license plates information.
- Ability to look up and update license plates by providing either driver’s full name, or their license plate number.
- Print the list of license plates in ascending order alphabetically by the driver’s last name.
- Ability to scan an image of a license plate.
This program requires Tesseract, an open-source OCR library, and OpenCV, an open source computer vision library.
Tesseract installation instructions: https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Compiling-%E2%80%93-GitInstallation.html
OpenCV installation instructions: https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.1/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html
After successfully installed required libraries, users can build the app with:
Build test cases:
make tests
./bin/exec [<load file>]
Available options are:
1) Add/Remove
2) Save/Load
3) Print License Plates
4) Lookup A License Plate
5) Exit
- Add/Remove: add or remove a license plate.
- Save/Load: save the current list of license plate to a csv file or load a list of license plates from a csv file.
- Print License Plates: print out the list of current license plates handled by the manager.
- Lookup A License Plate: lookup a license plate by scanning a plate number from a picture or entering manual entry and print it out.
- Exit: to exit the app.
- Users can select options by entering the corresponding number for that option. e.g. enter 1 to add or remove a new license plate
Multiple test cases are written for the app. To run the test cases:
make tests