Tags: tpope/vim-rails
rails.vim 5.3 * Massive gf rewrite for better extensibility. * Greatly improved asset support. * Provide command line <C-R><C-F> with same logic as gf. * Support Rails 5 rails/rake unification. * Selectively delegate :Rails to rake on older Rails versions. * :Rails supersedes :Rake as default task dispatcher. * Add channel and serializer support. * Support tab/vert style mods on Vim 8. * Provide :Clog to load logs into quickfix list. * Update syntax highlighting for Rails 5.1. * Use filetype=eruby.yaml for yaml files. * Refactor to use projections for much of internal implementation. * Enable :Econtroller to edit controller concerns. * Rearrange and clean up help. * Drop legacy (non asset pipeline) Less CSS and CoffeeScript support. * Formally deprecate R commands.
rails.vim 5.2 * Add rails compiler plugin and use it for :Rails, :Rake, and :make. * Provide dispatch.vim configuration. * Support projectionist.vim compatible projections. Old % style is deprecated. * Improve support for view variants. * Support asset pipeline with gf. * Drop first extension from .css.scss, per Rails 5. * Provide :Ejob. * Support rails_helper.rb from rspec 3 on :Eintegrationtest. * Add alternate file support for CoffeeScript. * Add test/controllers file to view tests. * Require app/ for app detection (fixes false positive on Lotus). * Support detecting unicorn pid and binding. * Use routes to determine default :Rpreview location. * Fix failure to define :OpenURL. * Provide more :Rake defaults. * Change :Rake migration default to db:migrate:redo. * Change :Rake fallback from default to --tasks. * Support Bundler 2. * Syntax highlighting updates. * Switch ctags --language from -javascript to ruby. * Prefer .ctags over g:rails_ctags_arguments. * Warn about deprecated :R commands.