Turn2Cloud Inc.
- Taiwan, Taipei
- https://dispycode.blogspot.com/
The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.
Combine publisher bridges for UIKit
Commutag sidewalk project website
This repository holds the device support files for the iOS, and I will update it regularly.
Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
A SwiftUI wrapper around UITextField with binding-based state and responder control
A fast and flexible Markdown parser written in Swift.
Xcode iPhoneOS (iOS) DeviceSupport files (6.0 - 17.0)
✨ A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter. Heavily Inspired by http://tobiasahlin.com/spinkit.
🔥 A collection of Firebase plugins for Flutter apps.
A platform adaptive Flutter app for desktop, mobile and web.
A curated list of awesome things related to Flutter desktop.
A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.
A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS.
Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift and SwiftUI
A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
Animal Crossing New Horizon companion app in SwiftUI
Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform.