a shiny app for graphing created for BIO 225, Experiments in Ecology and Evolution, at UMass Dartmouth
BGRbasic.R is a single-file version of the app. It does not use the data and www files. Students with limited R experience can run BioGraphR from RStudio with the package 'shiny' installed.
The current version of BGRbasic has these functions:
- Import data from Excel or comma-delimited text files
- Filter data based on values of variables
- Produce histograms, frequency plots, boxplots, bar graphs, and scatterplots
- Add a grouping variable to a single graph or separate groups into panels
- Add error bars or trend lines
- Edit axis labels, font sizes, and symbol sizes
- Reorder values of categorical variables
- Download graphs as .png, .pdf, or .jpg
- Create tables of descriptive statistics, with selection of which statistics and number of significant digits
- Create frequency tables
- Conduct statistical hypothesis tests
- One-sample, paired, and 2-sample t tests
- One-way ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc tests, residual plots, and Levene's test
- Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests and tests of association
- Correlation
- Regression with residual plots
- Log-transform data for ANOVA and regression
- Download output tables as .csv