This is a product of programmer sun*.
This package has some class and method help yan can implement Grpc to Laravel easier. So improve system performance thanks to Grpc
composer require binhtv/grpc-base-laravel
then run command to publish config.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=binhtv-grpc-config
You need know how to compile files proto with php
- Autoload file proto generated:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"": "protos/generated/"
- Quick call to server (recommend using)
step 1: create class extend BaseGrpcApi;
namespace App\Services\MicroserviceGrpc;
use binhtv\GrpcLaravel\Client\Contracts\BaseGrpcApi;
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Protobuf\Company\ExampleServiceClient;
* @method Message ExampleMethod(array|Request $request)
class ExampleGrpcClient extends BaseGrpcApi
public function grpcClient(): string
return ExampleServiceClient::class;
step 2: call method in that class;
// ExampleMethod is a method of ExampleServiceClient;
(new ExampleGrpcClient())->ExampleMethod($request);
- Or create new client Grpc
$clientGrpc = (new GrpcFactory)->make(ExampleServiceClient::class);
- Use traits;
use binhtv\GrpcLaravel\Client\Traits\HandleDataRequest;
class ExampleController extends Controller
use HandleDataRequest;
- methods:
Name | Params | Return | Description |
mergeRequestToGrpcRequest |
- An object instance of Illuminate\Http\Request; - Path of GRPC request class |
object: grpc request | Convert laravel request to grpc request |
dataGrpc |
- An object instance of request or response GRPC | Array: Array have a key is 'data' | Create a array have key is 'data' and value is data grpc |
prepareDataRequestFromGrpc |
- An object instance of request or response GRPC | object: instance of Illuminate\Http\Request | Convert grpc request to laravel request |
removeLinkPagination |
- An array | array | Remove key 'links' and 'path' in array |
- Start serve:
./vendor/binhtv/grpc-base-laravel/rr-grpc serve -v -d
- Example worker file:
use App\Grpc\ExampleGrpcController;
use Spiral\Goridge\StreamRelay;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\Worker;
ini_set('display_errors', 'stderr');
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';
$kernel = $app->make(binhtv\GrpcLaravel\Server\Kernel::class);
$w = new Worker(new StreamRelay(STDIN, STDOUT));