Compound Tranche is a decentralized protocol for managing risk and maximizing returns. The protocol integrates with Compound's cTokens, to create two new interest-bearing instruments, one with a fixed-rate, Tranche A, and one with a variable rate, Tranche B.
Info URL:
npm i
truffle compile --all
truffle run test
truffle run coverage
or to test a single file:
truffle run coverage --network development --file="test/JCTruffle.test.js"
Following is a description on how to use project on Kovan testnet, for Mainnet please change addresses accordingly.
a) deploy JCompound contract and initialize it ((address _adminTools, address _feesCollector, address _tranchesDepl, address _compTokenAddress, address _comptrollAddress, address _rewardsToken)
b) call setCEtherContract(address payable _cEtherContract) (cETH address) and setCTokenContract(address _erc20Contract, address _cErc20Contract), i.e. DAI and cDAI address, or 0x0(ethers) and cETH address, and so on.
setCEtherContract on Kovan: 0x41b5844f4680a8c38fbb695b7f9cfd1f64474a72
setCTokenContract on Kovan(DAI): "0x4f96fe3b7a6cf9725f59d353f723c1bdb64ca6aa","0xf0d0eb522cfa50b716b3b1604c4f0fa6f04376ad"
setCTokenContract on Kovan(USDT): "0x07de306FF27a2B630B1141956844eB1552B956B5","0x3f0A0EA2f86baE6362CF9799B523BA06647Da018"
setCTokenContract on Kovan(USDC): "0xb7a4F3E9097C08dA09517b5aB877F7a917224ede","0x4a92E71227D294F041BD82dd8f78591B75140d63"
c) set jCompound address in jTranchesDeployer contract
d) call addTrancheToProtocol(address _erc20Contract, string memory _nameA, string memory _symbolA, string memory _nameB, string memory _symbolB, uint256 _fixedRpb, uint8 _cTokenDec, uint8 _underlyingDec) to set a new tranche set
add eth tranche "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","eta","ETA","etb","ETB","40000000000000000","8","18" ---> Please read note here below
add DAI tranche "0x4f96fe3b7a6cf9725f59d353f723c1bdb64ca6aa","dta","DTA","dtb","DTB","30000000000000000","8","18"
add USDT tranche "0x07de306FF27a2B630B1141956844eB1552B956B5","utta","UTTA","uttb","UTTB","200000000000000","8","6"
add USDC tranche "0xb7a4F3E9097C08dA09517b5aB877F7a917224ede","ucta","UCTA","uctb","UCTB","30000000000000","8","6"
e) remember to enable every tranche deposit with setTrancheDeposit(uint256 _trancheNum, bool _enable) function
Users can now call buy and redeem functions for tranche A & B tokens
Note: if ETH tranche is deployed, please deploy ETHGateway contract without a proxy, then set its address in JCompound with setETHGateway function.
!!! Please note: we have to use 2 different versions of library for tests and for deploy on mainnet / testnet !!!
This is due to different init code hash for UniswapV2Library file when compiled with other solidity compiler versions.
- hex'96e8ac4277198ff8b6f785478aa9a39f403cb768dd02cbee326c3e7da348845f'
// original init code hash, remember to restore it before deploying and recompile all files
- hex'555c8bf3a68dcde924051e2b2db6a6bbce50f756cacad88fdfcaab07ec40b7d9'
// i.e. init code hash for tests
Please launch !!uniswapInitHashCode.test.js
to get your init code hash in test environment
Tests performed on Kovan with the following already present contracts that can be used in this project:
Uniswap factory on kovan: 0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f
Uniswap Router02 on kovan: 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D
DAI address: 0x4f96fe3b7a6cf9725f59d353f723c1bdb64ca6aa
WETH address: 0xd0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c
USDC address: 0xb7a4F3E9097C08dA09517b5aB877F7a917224ede
Name | Size (KiB) | Description |
ETHGateway | 3.41 |
Ethereum gateway, useful when dealing with ethers |
JAdminTools | 2.73 |
Contract for administrative roles control (implementation), allowing the identification of addresses when dealing with reserved methods. |
JAdminToolsStorage | 0.87 |
Contract for administrative roles control (storage) |
JCompound | 22.69 |
Core contract protocol (implementation). It is responsible to make all actions to give the exact amount of tranche token to users, connecting with Compound to have interest rates and other informations to give tokens the price they should have block by block. It claims extra token from Compound, sending them to Fees collector contract, that changes all fees and extra tokens into new interests for token holders. It also opens new tranches, and, via Tranche Deployer contract, it deploys new tranche tokens. |
JCompoundHelper | 2.40 |
JCompound Helper for some calculation on price from Compound |
JCompoundStorage | 1.71 |
Core contract protocol (storage) |
JCompoundStorageV2 | 2.20 |
Core contract protocol V2 (storage) |
JFeesCollector | 10.40 |
Fees collector and uniswap swapper (implementation), it changes all fees and extra tokens into new interests for token holders, sending back extra mount to Compound protocol contract |
JFeesCollectorStorage | 0.96 |
Fees collector and uniswap swapper (storage) |
JTrancheAToken | 10.26 |
Tranche A token (implementation), with a non decreasing price, making possible for holders to have a fixed interest percentage. |
JTrancheATokenStorage | 0.44 |
Tranche A token (storage) |
JTrancheBToken | 10.26 |
Tranche B token (implementation), with a floating price, making possible for holders to have a variable interest percentage. |
JTrancheBTokenStorage | 0.44 |
Tranche B token (storage) |
JTranchesDeployer | 23.82 |
Tranche A & B token deployer (implementation): this contract deploys tranche tokens everytime a new tranche is opened by the core protocol contract |
JTranchesDeployerStorage | 0.14 |
Tranche A & B token deployer (storage) |