Development helpers for the OpenTREP components.
The metatrep
project itself is an umbrella, allowing to drive all
the other components from a central local directory, namely workspace/
One can then interact with any specific component directly by jumping
-ing) into the corresponding directory. Software code can be edited
and committed directly from that component sub-directory.
Docker images, hosted on Docker Cloud, are provided for convenience reason, avoiding the need to set up a proper development environment: they provide a ready-to-use, ready-to-develop, ready-to-contribute environment. Enjoy!
- Open Travel REquest Parser (OpenTREP):
- Doc:
- Source code on GitHub:
- Docker Cloud repository:
- Web applications:
- As a quick starter, some test cases can be launched from the one of Docker images (eg, CentOS, Ubuntu or Debian):
$ docker run --rm -it opentrep/metatrep:centos bash
[[email protected] metatrep]$ cd workspace/build/trep
[[email protected] trep (master)]$ make check
[[email protected] trep (master)]$ exit
The Docker images come with all the dependencies already installed. If there is a need, however, for some more customization (for instance, install some other software products such as Kafka or ElasticSearch), this section describes how to get the end-to-end travel market simulator up and running on a native environment (as opposed to within a Docker container).
An alternative is to develop your own Docker image from the
ones provided by that project.
You would typically start the Dockerfile
FROM opentrep/metatrep:<linux-distribution>
C++, Python and Ruby are needed in order to build and run the various components of that project. OpenTREP README explains how to install the dependencies (e.g., Python, Boost, SOCI) on various Linux distributions and MacOS. Refer to that documentation for further details.
The maintained Docker images for that project come with all the necessary pieces of software. They can either be used as is, or used as inspiration for ad hoc setup on other configurations.
Refer to the OpenTREP README for further details.
- Install EPEL for CentOS/RedHat:
$ sudo rpm --import
$ sudo yum -y install epel-release
- Install a few useful packages:
$ sudo yum -y install less htop net-tools which sudo man vim \
git-all wget curl file bash-completion keyutils Lmod \
zlib-devel bzip2-devel gzip tar rpmconf yum-utils \
gcc gcc-c++ cmake cmake3 m4 \
lcov cppunit-devel \
zeromq-devel czmq-devel cppzmq-devel \
boost-devel xapian-core-devel openssl-devel libffi-devel \
mpich-devel openmpi-devel \
readline-devel sqlite-devel mariadb-devel \
soci-mysql-devel soci-sqlite3-devel \
libicu-devel protobuf-devel protobuf-compiler \
python-devel \
python34 python34-pip python34-devel \
python2-django mod_wsgi \
geos-devel geos-python \
doxygen ghostscript "tex(latex)" texlive-epstopdf-bin \
rake rubygem-rake ruby-libs
- Install Homebrew, if not already done:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- SOCI. As of mid 2019, SOCI 4.0 has still not been released,
is no longer available. Hence, SOCI must be built from the sources. The following shows how to do that:
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/infra/soci && cd ~/dev/infra/soci
$ git clone
$ cd soci
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DSOCI_TESTS=OFF ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
- C++, Python and Ruby:
$ brew install boost boost-python boost-python3 cmake libedit \
sqlite mysql icu4c protobuf protobuf-c zeromq doxygen
$ wget -O /usr/local/include/zmq.hpp
$ brew install readline homebrew/portable-ruby/portable-readline
$ brew install pyenv
$ brew install rbenv ruby-build
- Install Python [Pyenv] and
$ git clone ${HOME}/.pyenv
$ cat >> ~/.bashrc << _EOF
# Python pyenv
export PYENV_ROOT="\${HOME}/.pyenv"
export PATH="\${PYENV_ROOT}/bin:\${PATH}"
if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
eval "\$(pyenv init -)"
$ source ${HOME}/.bashrc && pyenv install 3.7.2
$ pip3 install --user -U pipenv
The following operation needs to be done only on a native environment (as
opposed to within a Docker container).
The Docker image indeed comes with that Git repository already cloned and built.
In the following, <linux-distrib>
may be one of centos
, ubuntu
or debian
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/geo && cd ~/dev/geo
$ git clone
$ cd metatrep
$ cp docker/<linux-distrib>/resources/metatrep.yaml.sample metatrep.yaml
$ rake clone
$ rake checkout
$ rake offline=true info
That operation may be done either from within the Docker container, or in a native environment (on which the dependencies have been installed).
As a reminder, to enter into the container, just type
docker run --rm -it tvlsim/metasim:<linux-distrib> bash
, and exit
to leave it (<linux-distrib>
may be one of centos
, ubuntu
or debian
The following sequence of commands describes how to build, test and deliver the artefacts of all the components, so that a full simulation may be performed:
$ cd ~/dev/sim/metasim
$ rm -rf workspace/build workspace/install
$ rake offline=true configure
$ rake offline=true install
$ rake offline=true test
$ rake offline=true dist
Those operations may be done either from within the Docker container, or in a native environment (on which the dependencies have been installed).
As a reminder, to enter into the container, just type
docker run --rm -it opentrep/metatrep:<linux-distrib> bash
, and exit
to leave it (<linux-distrib>
may be one of centos
, ubuntu
or debian
$ cd ~/dev/geo/metatrep
$ cd workspace/src/opentrep
$ vi opentrep/bom/Place.cpp
$ git add opentrep/bom/Place.cpp
$ cd ../../build/opentrep
$ make check && make install
$ # If all goes well at the component level, re-build the full simulator
$ cd ~/dev/geo/metatrep
$ rake offline=true test
$ # If all goes well at the integration level
$ cd workspace/src/opentrep
$ git commit -m "[Dev] Fixed issue #76: C++-20 compatibility"
$ cd -
If the Docker images need to be re-built, the following commands explain how to do it:
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/geo && cd ~/dev/geo
$ git clone
$ cd metatrep
$ docker build -t opentrep/metatrep:centos --squash docker/centos/
$ docker push opentrep/metatrep:centos
$ docker build -t opentrep/metatrep:debian --squash docker/debian/
$ docker push opentrep/metatrep:debian
$ docker build -t opentrep/metatrep:ubuntu --squash docker/ubuntu/
$ docker push opentrep/metatrep:ubuntu
$ docker build -t opentrep/metatrep:fedora --squash docker/fedora/
$ docker push opentrep/metatrep:fedora
$ docker images | grep "^trep"
opentrep/metatrep centos 9a33eee22a3d About an hour ago 2.16GB
$ ./workspace/install/opentrep/bin/opentrep-indexer -p workspace/install/opentrep/share/opentrep/data/por/optd_por_public_all.csv -t sqlite
$ ./workspace/install/opentrep/bin/opentrep-searcher -t sqlite -q "nce sfo"
Deployment number 0
Xapian database filepath is: /tmp/opentrep/xapian_traveldb0
SQL database type is: sqlite
SQL database connection string is: /tmp/opentrep/sqlite_travel.db0
Log filename is: opentrep-searcher.log
The type of search is: 0
The spelling error distance is: 3
The travel query string is: nce sfo
2 (geographical) location(s) have been found matching your query (`nce sfo'). 0 words were left unmatched.
[1]: NCE-A-6299418, 8.16788%, Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport, Nice Cote d'Azur International Airport, LFMN, , FRNCE, , 0, 1970-Jan-01, 2999-Dec-31, , NCE|2990440|Nice|Nice, PAC, FR, , France, 427, France, EUR, NA, Europe, 43.6584, 7.21587, S, AIRP, 93, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, 06, Alpes-Maritimes, Alpes-Maritimes, 062, 06088, 0, 3, 5, Europe/Paris, 1, 2, 1, 2018-Dec-05, ,, nce, nce, 8984.66%, 0, 0; name matrix {ar,مطار نيس الريفيرا الفرنسي,de,Flughafen Nizza,en,Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport,en,Nice Airport,es,Niza Aeropuerto,fa,فرودگاه نیس کوت دازور,fr,Aéroport de Nice Côte d'Azur,ja,コート・ダジュール空港,ko,니스 코트다쥐르 공항,ru,Аэропорт Ницца Лазурный Берег,sv,Nice flygplats,wuu,尼斯蓝色海岸机场}
[2]: SFO-C-5391959, 32.496%, San Francisco, San Francisco, , , USSFO, , 0, 1970-Jan-01, 2999-Dec-31, , SFO|5391959|San Francisco|San Francisco, CA, US, , United States, 91, California, USD, NA, North America, 37.7749, -122.419, P, PPLA2, CA, California, California, 075, City and County of San Francisco, City and County of San Francisco, Z, , 864816, 16, 28, America/Los_Angeles, -8, -7, -8, 2019-Sep-05, SFO,, sfo, sfo, 35745.6%, 0, 0; name matrix {,San Fransisco,,Yerba Buena,,New Albion,abbr,SF,af,San Francisco,ar,سان فرانسيسكو,arz,سان فرانسيسكو,ast,San Francisco,az,San-Fransisko,be,Сан-Францыска,bg,Сан Франциско,bn,সান ফ্রান্সিস্কো,bo,སན་ཧྥུ་རན་སིས་ཁོ,bpy,সান ফ্রান্সিসকো কাউন্টি,bs,San Francisco,ca,San Francisco,ce,Сан-Франциско,ckb,سان فرانسیسکۆ,cs,San Francisco,cv,Сан-Франциско,cy,San Francisco,da,San Francisco,de,San Francisco,el,Σαν Φρανσίσκο,en,San Francisco,en,Frisco,eo,San-Francisko,eo,Sanfrancisko,eo,San Francisco,es,San Francisco,et,San Francisco,eu,San Frantzisko,ext,San Franciscu,fa,سان فرانسیسکو,fi,San Francisco,fr,San Francisco,fy,San Fransisko,ga,San Francisco,gan,舊金山,gd,San Francisco,gl,San Francisco,hak,Khiu-kîm-sân,haw,Kapalakiko,hbs,San Francisco,he,סן פרנסיסקו,hi,सैन फ्रांसिस्को,hu,San Francisco,hy,Սան Ֆրանցիսկո,id,San Francisco,is,San Francisco,it,San Francisco,ja,サンフランシスコ,ka,სან-ფრანცისკო,kk,Сан Франсиско,ko,샌프란시스코,ko,샌프란,krc,Сан-Франциско,la,Franciscopolis,lt,San Fransiskas,lv,Sanfrancisko,mhr,Сан-Франциско,mk,Сан Франциско,ml,സാൻ ഫ്രാൻസിസ്കോ,mn,Сан-Франциско,mr,सॅन फ्रान्सिस्को,my,ဆန်ဖရန်စစ္စကိုမြို့,nds,San Francisco,new,स्यान फ्रान्सिस्को,nl,San Francisco,nn,San Francisco,no,San Francisco,os,Сан-Франциско,pa,ਸੈਨ ਫਰਾਂਸਿਸਕੋ,pl,San Francisco,pnb,سان فرانسسکو,post,94102,post,94103,post,94104,post,94105,post,94107,post,94108,post,94109,post,94110,post,94111,post,94112,post,94114,post,94115,post,94116,post,94117,post,94118,post,94119,post,94120,post,94121,post,94122,post,94123,post,94124,post,94125,post,94126,post,94127,post,94129,post,94130,post,94131,post,94132,post,94133,post,94134,post,94137,post,94139,post,94140,post,94141,post,94142,post,94143,post,94144,post,94145,post,94146,post,94147,post,94151,post,94159,post,94160,post,94161,post,94163,post,94164,post,94172,post,94177,post,94188,pt,São Francisco,ro,San Francisco,ro,Сан Франциско,ru,Сан-Франциско,sah,Сан Франсиско,scn,San Franciscu,si,සැන් ෆ්රැන්සිස්කෝ,sk,San Francisco,sl,San Francisco,sq,San Francisco,sr,Сан Франциско,sv,San Francisco,ta,சான் பிரான்சிஸ்கோ,te,శాన్ ఫ్రాన్సిస్కో,th,ซานฟรานซิสโก,tl,San Francisco,tl,Lungsod ng San Francisco,tr,San Francisco,tt,Сан-Франциско,ug,San Fransisko,uk,Сан-Франціско,uk,Сан-Франциско,ur,سان فرانسسکو,uz,San Fransisko,vep,San Francisko,vi,San Francisco,wuu,旧金山,xmf,სან-ფრანცისკო,yi,סאן פראנציסקא,yue,三藩市,zh,旧金山,zh-CN,旧金山}