Platform independent c++ library providing ftp client functionality.
ftplibpp contains a c++ class providing ftp client functionality. It supports all basic ftp functionality plus some advanced features like resuming, fxp, ssl/tls encryption, large file support, or logging to fit todays standards.
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ftplibpp provides a c++ class providing ftp client functionality. It supports all basic ftp functionality plus some advanced features like resuming, fxp, ssl/tls encryption, large file support, or logging to fit todays standards. The very base of ftplibpp is Thomas Pfau's ftplib c library.
Every ftp session is represented by an ftplib object, whose methods are called to communicate with the ftp server. The
ftp sessions should begin with a call to myftp.Connect("")
(and maybe myftp.NegotiateEncryption()
), be
followed with myftp.Login("myuser","mypass")
and ended by myftp.Quit()
. For the magic in between, read the class
methods documentation. Most methods have their tasks pretty much explained in their name. ftplibpp uses OpenSSL for
encryption functionality, if you don't need it you can set the NOSSL
flag (e.g. g++ -c ftplib.cpp -DNOSSL
). If your
system does not feature large file support (or does not need specific LFS functions, because it's built in yet) you can
use the NOLFS
flag (e.g. g++ -c ftplib.cpp -DNOLFS
exists to override the
openssl client method in use, the default is TLSv1_2_client_method
, override by compiling with -D_FTPLIB_SSL_CLIENT_METHOD_=${SOME_METHOD}
int (* FtpCallbackIdle )(void *arg)
void (* FtpCallbackLog )(char *str, void* arg, bool out)
int (* FtpCallbackXfer )(off64_t xfered, void *arg)
bool (* FtpCallbackCert )(void *arg, X509 *cert)
enum accesstype
enum transfermode
enum connmode
enum fxpmethod
enum dataencryption
ftplib ()
char* LastResponse ()
int Connect (const char *host)
int Login (const char *user, const char *pass)
int Site (const char *cmd)
int Raw (const char *cmd)
int SysType (char* buf, int max)
int Mkdir (const char *path)
int Chdir (const char *path)
int Cdup ()
int Rmdir (const char *path)
int Pwd (char *path, int max)
int Nlst (const char *outputfile, const char *path)
int Dir (const char *outputfile, const char *path)
int Size (const char *path, int *size, transfermode mode)
int ModDate (const char *path, char *dt, int max)
int Get (const char *outputfile, const char *path, transfermode mode)
int Get (const char *outputfile, const char *path, transfermode mode, off64_t offset)
int Put (const char *inputfile, const char *path, transfermode mode)
int Put (const char *inputfile, const char *path, transfermode mode, off64_t offset)
int Rename (const char *src, const char *dst)
int Delete (const char *path)
int SetDataEncryption (dataencryption enc)
int NegotiateEncryption ()
ftphandle* RawOpen (const char *path, accesstype type, transfermode mode)
int RawRead (void *buf, int max, ftphandle *handle)
int RawWrite (void *buf, int len, ftphandle *handle)
int RawClose (ftphandle *handle)
void Quit ()
void SetCallbackIdleFunction (FtpCallbackIdle pointer)
void SetCallbackLogFunction (FtpCallbackLog pointer)
void SetCallbackXferFunction (FtpCallbackXfer pointer)
void SetCallbackCertFunction (FtpCallbackCert pointer)
void SetCallbackArg (void *arg)
void SetCallbackBytes (off64_t bytes)
void SetCallbackIdletime (int time)
void SetCorrectPasv (bool b)
void SetConnmode (ftplib::ftp mode)
typedef int (*FtpCallbackIdle)(void *arg);
typedef void (* FtpCallbackLog)(char *str, void* arg, bool out);
out indicates wether the log information in str is incoming or outgoing.
typedef int (*FtpCallbackXfer)(off64_t xfered, void *arg);
typedef int (*FtpCallbackCert)(void *arg, X509 *cert);
This type is used in RawOpen.
This type determines how data is transferred.
This type determines wether data is to be transferred using the pasv or active mode.
This type is used in the Fxp method.
This type determines wether data is encrypted or not.
Class constructor, an ftplib object is responsible for the ftp session.
LastResponse returns a pointer to the last response c-styled string sent by the server. This can be parsed by the user program todetermine more information about the last request or can be displayed along with an error message.
A pointer to the last server response string. Otherwise, NULL
is returned.
Connect establishes a connection to the FTP server on the specified machine and returns a handle which can be used to
initiate data transfers. The host name should be specified in the form of <host>:<port>
may be either a host name or ip
address. <port>
may be either a service name or a port number.
: The name of the host machine to connect to and optionally an alternate port number to use (
If the connection to the remote server if successful, Connect()
returns 1
. Otherwise, 0
is returned.
Login attempts to login to the remote system with the supplied username and password.
: Specifies the username.pass
: Specifies the user's password.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Site sends the specified command as an argument to a SITE
: A string containing aSITE
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Raw sends the specified command unmodified.
: A string containing a custom ftp command.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
SysType issues a SYST
command to the remote system and attempts to parse the system type out of the response and return
it to the user's buffer.
: A pointer to a buffer where the result will be returned to.max
: Specifies the size of the user buffer.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Mkdir sends a make directory request to the remote system.
: Specifies the argument to mkdir on the remote system.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Sends a change working directory request to the server using the specified path.
: Specifies the desired working directory on the server.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Cdup sends a CDUP command to the remote server.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Rmdir sends a remove directory request to the remote server.
: A string containing the name of a remote directory.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Pwd attempts to determine the current default directory at the server and return it to the user's buffer.
: A pointer to a buffer where the result should be returned.max
: Specifies the size of the user's buffer.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Performs a short form directory listing of the specified path on the remote system. The results are written to the specified file.
: Specifies the name of a file to receive the directory listing. path Specifies an argument tols
on the remote system.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Sends a LIST -aL
command to the server with the specified path. The response to this is usually a long format directory
listing which will be written to the file named in outputfile. If outputfile is specified as NULL
, the list will be
written to stdout.
: Specifies the name of a file to receive the directory listing.path
: Specifies an argument to 'ls' on the remote system.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Size attempts to determine the size of a remote file.
: A pointer to a buffer where the result should be returned.size
: A pointer to an int where the size will be returned.mode
: Specifies the transfer mode asftplib::image
If a good response is received and the size is successfully parsed out of the result, 1
is returned. Otherwise, 0
is returned.
ModDate attempts to determine the last access time of a remote file and return it to the user's buffer. The date and time are returned as a string in the format 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS'.
: Name of remote file to be checked.buf
: A pointer to a buffer where the result should be returned.max
: Specifies the size of the user's buffer.
If a good response is received and the size is successfully parsed out of the result, 1
is returned. Otherwise, 0
is returned.
Copies the contents of a remote file to a local file.
: Name of a local file to receive the contents of the remote file.path
: Name of remote file to be retrieved.mode
: Specifies the transfer mode asftplib::image
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Copies the contents of a remote file from a given offset and appends it to a local file. Not all ftp servers might implement this feature.
: Name of a local file to receive the contents of the remote file.path
: Name of remote file to be retrieved. mode Specifies the transfer mode asftplib::image
: Point from where the copy is suppossed to begin.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Transfers a local file to the remote system.
: Specifies the name of a local file to be transfered to the server.path
: Specifies the name to be given to the file on the remote system.mode
: Specifies the transfer mode asftplib::image
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Copies the contents of a local file from a given offset and appends it to a remote file. Not all ftp servers might implement this feature.
: Specifies the name of a local file to be transfered to the server.path
: Specifies the name to be given to the file on the remote system.mode
: Specifies the transfer mode asftplib::image
: Point from where the copy begins.
FtpRename sends a rename request to the remote server.
: A string containing the current name of the remote file.dst
: A string containing the desired new name for the remote file.
Requests that the server remove the specified file from the remote file system.
: The path to the file which is to be removed.
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
On an already secured ftp session, SetDataEncryption() specifies if the data connection channel will be secured for the next data transfer.
: eitherftplib::unencrypted
Returns 1
if successful and 0
if the control connection isn't secure or on error.
This Method is to be called after Connect and before Login to secure the ftp communication channel.
Returns 1
if successful and 0
if the ssl negotiation failed.
The ftplibpp library uses an ssl/tls encryption approach defined in the RFC4217 standard.
Quit() issues a 'QUIT' command and closes the connection to the remote server.
When SetCallbackBytes is set to a bigger value than 0
, a callback function can be called during an ftp data transfer. If
the callback function returns 0, the data transfer is aborted. The callback function has two parameters: xfered
& arg
is the amount of bytes yet transfered during the data connection and arg
contains either NULL
or a custom
pointer set by SetCallbackArg. If pointer
is specified as NULL
the xfer callback is disabled.
: A pointer to a static function of the type FtpCallbackXfer.
Since FtpCallbackXferFunction
only accepts pointers to static functions, it might appear problematic in an oo c++ context.
However there's an easy way to use it anyway. Using SetCallbackArg
you supply the class a pointer to the object the method
of which you'd like to call from the ftplib object. That pointer is then passed back with call to the callback function.
From the static callback function you can perform a cast of arg
to a pointer of the your desired object, and call its
method. valid code could look like this:
static int callback(off64_t xfered, void* arg); // static callback function defined in myclass.h
void mymethod(); // common myclass method
int myclass::callback(off64_t xfered, void* arg) {
((*myclass)(arg)->mymethod(); // casting the pointers to the correct type and calling class method
return 1;
void myclass::mymethod() {
myftp.SetCallbackArg(this); // supply the myftp object the pointer to the current (myclass) object
myftp.SetCallbackBytes(1024); // issue a xfer callback every kb
enables the logging callback. Every time there's been data read from the control connection,
is called with a c-styled string and a custom pointer specified in SetCallbackArg. If
is specified as NULL
logging callback is disabled.
: A pointer to a static function of the type FtpCallbackLog.
See SetCallbackIdleFunction.
SetCallbackCertFunction enables the ssl/tls certification callback. When you use encryption and you call this method
with a certification callback function, it is called when connecting to the server. In the callback function you decide
via the boolean return value whether the certificate is valid or not. Certification checking is an advanced issue, and
you should read into the openssl documentation if you plan to implement it. pointer
is called with a custom pointer
specified in SetCallbackArg and the certificate from the Server. If pointer is specified as NULL
certification callback is disabled.
: a pointer to a static function of the type FtpCallbackCert.
Sample implementation:
bool MyCallbackCert(void *arg, X509 *cert) {
if (cert == NULL) {
printf("Peer sent no certificate.\n");
return false;
} else {
char peer_CN[265];
int len;
X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_subject_name(cert), NID_commonName, peer_CN, 256);
printf("subject: %s\n", peer_CN);
X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), NID_commonName, peer_CN, 256);
printf("issuer: %s\n", peer_CN); return true;
SetCallbackLogFunction enables the idle callback. When a connection idles, for a period bigger than 0 set in SetCallbackIdletime a callback to the argument function is issued.
: A pointer to a static function of the type FtpCallbackIdle.
See SetCallbackXferFunction.
SetCallbackArg submits a pointer of custom type to the object, this pointer is returned with a callback function. A good idea is to store the ftplib owners (or whatever object should handle the callback) pointer in it to use it the way described in the SetCallbackXferFunction entry.
: A pointer of a custom type.
SetCallbackBytes specifies the frequency of xfer callbacks. The xfer callback returns the amount of bytes yet transfered on this transfer.
: Specifies the frequency in transfered bytes. A value of 100000 would mean every 100000 bytes an xfer callback is issued.
SetCallbackIdletime specifies how long a data socket can idle, without an idle callback beeing issued.
: Time in msec.
The default value of 0
, means that on every idle a callback happens. if you don't want this behaviour you have to set a
(higher) value.
SetConnmode specifies which data connection method is to be used for the next data transfer.
: Eitherftplib::pasv
(passive mode, default) orftplib::port
(active mode).
Some Ftp-Servers, which run behind a NAT, return their local ip-adresses as PASV replies. When this option is turned on PASV replies are corrected using the ip address the ftp session is currently connected to.
turns the correction on,false
turns it off.
int Fxp ( ftplib* src, ftplib* dst, const char *pathSrc, const char *pathDst, ftplib::ftp mode, ftplib::ftp method )
Fxp is a static function. It uses two ftp session objects and transfer a certain file between them.
: Source ftplib object.dst
: Destination ftplib object.pathSrc
: Path to file to be copied copy (/incoming/myfile.tar.gz
: Path to file destination (/pub/myfile_from_some_ftp.tar.gz
: Eitherftplib::ascii
(ascii) orftplib::image
(binary). Method eitherftplib::defaultfxp
) orftplib::alternativefxp
Returns 1
if successful, -
1 if initilization failed ("PORT" and "PASV"), or 0
if the data transfer somehow failed.
Fxp - direct Ftp to Ftp transfer - is rather an exploit than a feature and might thus be prevented by many servers. Currently Fxp does not work with encrypted data connections, so be sure to switch to unencrypted data channels before performing fxp.
### int RawRead ( void* buf, int max, ftphandle *handle )RawRead copies up to max bytes of data from the specified data connection and returns it to the user's buffer. If the data connection was opened in ascii mode, no more than one line of data will be returned.
: Specifies the address of a buffer where received data will be written. max Specifies the size of the user's buffer.handle
: A handle returned by FtpAccess().
Returns the number of bytes written to the user's buffer or -1
on error or end of file.
RawWrite sends data to a remote file. If the file were accessed in record mode, the necessary conversions are performed.
: A buffer containing the data to be sent to the remote file.len
: The number of bytes to be sent from 'buf'.handle
: A handle returned by RawOpen().
Returns the number of bytes sent from the user's buffer or -1
on error.
RawOpen() opens a remote file or directory and returns a handle for the calling program to use to transfer data.
: Specifies the name of the remote file or directory to open.type
: Specifies the type of transfer to be performed.ftplib::dir
performs a terse directory.ftplib::dirverbose
performs a verbose directory.ftplib::fileread
opens a remote file for reading.ftplib::filewrite
creates a remote file and readies it for writing.ftplib::filewriteappend
are for appending file operations.mode
: Specifies the transfer mode asftplib::ascii
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.
Closes the data connection specified by handle and frees associated resources.
: A handle returned by RawOpen().
Returns 1
if successful or 0
on error.