Archive Slurm job scripts as they are submitted as a permanent archive on what was run
Try and solving to log the violation of rules specified in limits.conf
Puppet module to quickly and painlessly equip a host to build RPM packages
treydock / puppet-mediawiki
Forked from martasd/puppet-mediawikiThis is a puppet module for deploying multi-tenant mediawiki
treydock / puppet-ldap
Forked from torian/puppet-ldapOpenLDAP module for puppet
treydock / active_admin
Forked from activeadmin/activeadminThe administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
treydock / foreman
Forked from theforeman/foremanan application that automates the lifecycle of servers
treydock / rolify
Forked from RolifyCommunity/rolifyRole management library with resource scoping
Puppet module for Foreman Smart Proxy
ActiveRecord (>=3.0) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.
Roles for Active Record implementing the Roles generic API
treydock / cockpit
Forked from lancejpollard/cockpitSuper DRY Settings for Ruby, Rails, and Sinatra Apps
'Unsupported browser' warning to IE users with Chrome Frame install link.
Rails (>= 3.1) engine which provides html5boilerplate generators and assets
This is a puppet module for deploying multi-tenant mediawiki
A Rails 3 gem for storing app configuration data in your database, with a config file to fall back on.
Puppet module for Foreman Smart Proxy
treydock / munkiserver
Forked from jnraine/munkiserverA server component to munki
Helpful scripts for working with mock and yum repos
Converts JSON formatted string into a Puppet hash
treydock / smart-proxy
Forked from theforeman/smart-proxyRESTful proxies for DNS, DHCP, TFTP and Puppet
treydock / puppet-foreman-old
Forked from ohadlevy/puppet-foremanPuppet module managing Foreman
getting ready to publish our mysql module!
CreateUser with(SSH and ARD optionally on, as well as) LocalMCX in Non-Default Node
Rails (>= 3.1) engine which provides html5boilerplate generators and assets