It's a starting point to a containerized Asterisk SIP server. It includes mimimalistic extensions and dialplan configurations. It's using Asterisk 14 and PJSIP instead of CHAN_SIP.
I primarily created docksterisk for my own use but feel free to use it, or part of it, for your own SIP server.
- No UI
- Not Asterisk-noob-friendly
- Not Docker-noob-friendly
- No documentation
- No support
Generally this is based on:
- Docker
- phusion/baseimage
- Asterisk 14
- A docker-compose to build/run the image/container
- Shows how to use the PJSIP wizard for easier extension and trunk configuration
- A minimalistic dialplan
- Multilingual GoogleTTS (Text To Speech) AGI, dial extension 300 for a demo
- Shows how to use a telemarketers blacklist to ban calls
- Shows how to use iptables on the host against script kiddie scans
- Asterisk log messages forwarded to Docker-logs
- Since large port ranges in Docker (in combination with iptables) are problematic, I'm exposing the host network to the Docksterisk container
- Ports used: 5060/udp (SIP), 8088/tcp (HTTP), 16384-17000/udp (RTP)
- The configuration samples assume that the SIP phones are behind NAT and the SIP server is on a public, static IP (i.e. on a VPS)
- If you want to use the built-in webserver for uptime monitoring, you can use this URL: http://mysipserver:8088/docksterisk/httpstatus/