Fed up with a ton of tutorials but no easy way to find exercises I decided to create a repo just with exercises to practice pandas. Don't get me wrong, tutorials are great resources, but to learn is to do. So unless you practice you won't learn.
There will be three different types of files:
1. Exercise instructions
2. Solutions without code
3. Solutions with code and comments
My suggestion is that you learn a topic in a tutorial or video and then do exercises. Learn one more topic and do exercises. If you got the answer wrong, don't go to the solution with code, follow this advice instead.
Suggestions and collaborations are more than welcome. :)
In case you want to ask anything you can open issues or write here
Getting and knowing | Merge | Time Series |
Filtering and Sorting | Stats | Deleting and Droping |
Grouping | Visualization | Indexing |
Apply | Creating Series and DataFrames | Exporting |
World Food Facts
Fictional Army
Alcohol Consumption
Students Alcohol Consumption