November 2021 cohort - Lighthouse Labs
Taken by coconuttt - Ashley
Week 1 :
Functions, Arrays, and Loops
- Lunch - refactor the function w/ 2 paramenter (boolean, number) to return console suggestion for taking lunch or not
- Min value - return the min value from an array
- Join Array String - join the strings in an array together, seperated with a ',' between them
- Roll 6-sided Dice - Get an array of random number from 1 -> 6 based on the input (number of time) from command line
- Music Library -
- findWaldo - use loop and call a function from other function to loop through a string array to find 'Waldo'
- findWaldo - forEach() - replace loop and put .forEach() into practice
- findWaldo - Anonymous Func - use forEach() to loop and apply anonymous func practice
- .map() Func - super simple practice
- .filter() Func - super simple practice
- Swapper - pair programming | swap the values of 2 objs with each other using their keys
- Nested Array - apply recursion to loop through nested arrays (doesn't matter how nested the array is)
- Sum - apply recursion to return sum of numbers
- Palindromes Check - implement the function to check if the string is palindromes then check with mocha and chai test
Week 2 :
Asynchronous Flow
- setTimeout Func - super simple practice
- Typewriter String - animate the string to look like it's being typed out by revealing one character at a time with
. - Spinner - animate the symbol string to look like it's spinning with
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