- Clean Architecture - The blueprint for a modular system, which strictly follows the design principle called separation of concerns.
- Dependency Injection (get_it) - Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App.
- Melos - a CLI tool used to help manage Dart projects with multiple packages.
- State Management (BLoC) - Business logic component to separate the business logic with UI
- Retrofit - a type conversion dio (type-safe HTTP client) client generator.
- Flutter SDK Version: >= 3.0.0
- Dart SDK Version: >= 2.17.0
Install Melos as a global package
dart pub global activate melos
Run melos bootstrap & generate dart code
melos bootstrap
melos run build:runner
- Add your assets at
- Run cmd to generate define image path
melos run image:gen
- Using by import from common/constants/images.dart
- Using Json To Dart Extension
- To customize your classes is very easy. If you want fast to create a simple class then just click enter continue to skip all methods. Otherwise, build your own. To generate Freezed class and Json Serializable choose Code Generation. Of course, you can set up your configuration in the Settings/Extensions/JSON To Dart Model
- Step:
- Copy your json to clipboard
Cmd + Shift + P
=> SelectJSON to Dart: From Clipboard to Code Generation Class
- Select folder wanna save model
REST API using Retrofit
- Create Class @RestApi at
- Define method
- Generate
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Build App using Fastlane and upload to AppCenter for test.
Please install Fastlane & AppCenter CLI before using build command.
Build Android & Upload AppCenter run:
melos run build:android <env>
Build iOS & Upload AppCenter run:
melos run build:ios <env>
env args follow:
- dev
- uat
- prod
- feat (new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script)
- fix (bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script)
- docs (changes to the documentation)
- style (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no production code change)
- refactor (refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable)
- test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
- chore (updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change)
- Commit Related Changes
- Commit Often
- Donβt Commit Half-Done Work
- Test Before You Commit
- Write Good Commit Messages
- Agree on a Workflow