This repo includes the terraform templates to create, update, manage and delete the AWS resources
Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- AWS account
- AWS IAM access key
- AWS IAM secret key
- AWS region
- AWS EC2 key pair # For SSH access
Terraform must first be installed on your machine
Common commands:
apply Builds or changes infrastructure
console Interactive console for Terraform interpolations
destroy Destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure
env Environment management
fmt Rewrites config files to canonical format
get Download and install modules for the configuration
graph Create a visual graph of Terraform resources
import Import existing infrastructure into Terraform
init Initialize a new or existing Terraform configuration
output Read an output from a state file
plan Generate and show an execution plan
push Upload this Terraform module to Atlas to run
refresh Update local state file against real resources
show Inspect Terraform state or plan
taint Manually mark a resource for recreation
untaint Manually unmark a resource as tainted
validate Validates the Terraform files
version Prints the Terraform version
Directory | Description |
01_vpc | (IMPORTANT) Create VPC, NAT instance |
02_simple_rds_mysql | Create a simple AWS RDS MySQL |
03_replica_rds_mysql | Add a READ replication AWS RDS MySQL |
04_simple_elasticache_redis | Create an AWS ElastiCache Redis with one server |
05_cluster_elasticache_redis | Create an AWS ElastiCache Redis with one master and one replica node on each availability zone |
06_ec2_ondemand_instance | Create a simple on-demand AWS EC2 instance with Elastic IP in public subnets |
07_ec2_spot_instance | Create spot AWS EC2 instance in private subnets |
08_elb_asg | Create an Elastic Load Balancer and Auto Scaling Group with EC2 spot instances |
09_application_lb | Create an Application Load Balancer |
10_iam_user_role | Create multiple IAM users and attach to EC2 Read-Only policy |
11_ecs_cluster | Create simple AWS ECS Cluster with some EC2 instances |
- Truong Bui - truongbuinh
- Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any concern.