To replicate our experiment in the paper, please go to this repository.
git clone
cd quickstart_example
Then, open the DEMO.ipynb file for a concrete example.
pip3 install foxplainer
from foxplainer.explainer import FoX
fx = FoX(global_model_name="LR",
A user needs to provide the following parameters:
global_model_name: should be either "RF" (Random Forest) or "LR" (Logistic Regression)
xtype (optional): Only needed when xnum=1. Support two types of explanations, specify "abd" for Abductive Explanation or "con" for Contrastive Explanation
xnum: should be either 1 or "all" (return all explanations)
global_model_path: the path to your trained global model (model should be trained using sci-kit learn library)
proj_name: the project name of your dataset
data_path: the path to the required data, this path should contain the following 2 files:
6.a {proj_name}.csv - the complete file consisting of all training + testing data with features and label
6.b {proj_name}_X_test.csv - the testing data that only contains feature columns without label
inst_id: the row number of the instance to be explained in your testing data
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install foxplainer
conda install -c conda-forge foxplainer
git clone
poetry install
If you do not have poetry installed yet, simply run the command below to install it, for more information, click here.
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -
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Access our official documentation here.