Public SDK documents can be found here.
All targets are included in WildcardSDKProject.xcodeproj
The Core SDK as an iOS Framework. You normally should not have to select this scheme directly.
This should be the scheme primarily used for developerment. This depends on the Core SDK and serves as a test bench to run a simple application to test the SDK code.
This scheme also includes the WildcardSDKTests target which includes all the tests for the SDK.
The Framework scheme should be used when you are ready to package up the SDK and get it ready for distribution.
- Select the Framework scheme (Bullseye icon) and choose iOS Device
- Clean + Build
- A custom script is executed which produces packaged Framework files which need to be uploaded to S3. Both files should exist on your desktop after the build is done.
This is a "fat" framework distribution that developers may use for Simulator + Devices.
This is a framework distribution only built for Devices.
This repo also contains a demo iOS Application (WCRedditCards) that is used to demonstrate the SDK.
When the SDK is updated, the demo app should also be updated to use the latest code.
- Use the official installation steps to install the latest SDK into the project.
- Run the project, and just sanity check that it still works.
- Inside the repo execute
- This should package up the Reddit App and put the WCRedditCards.tar.gz onto your desktop.
- This file will also need to be uploaded to S3 since the documentation links to it.
Internal Wildcard Use Only
The files can be uploaded directly via browser.
- Sign into S3 with Wildcard credentials
- Navigate to coopkanicstang-development -> ios_sdk
- Three files need to be uploaded: WCRedditCards.tar.gz, WildcardSDK.framework.tar.gz, and WildcardSDK_iphoneos.framework.tar.gz
- Once you have tested and packaged up these files, feel free to upload them, and also make sure to mark them as Public on S3.
Internal Wildcard Use Only
- At the moment, everytime Xcode updates, the SDK will have to also be updated and re packaged.