A lightweight javascript ioc container that favors source scanning and convention over configuration, provides native support for promises, coffeescript, mocha, chai and sinon.
Majic uses Angular style dependency injection, automatic source directory scanning, and promised based asynchronous module loading to make modularizing, running, and testing your application drop dead simple.
Out of the box, majic supports convention based configuration to make application modularization and startup a snap - no boilerplate required! It also supports unit testing via a simple injection method and component overrides to make declaring and using mocks easy.
Bootstrap majic in one simple line by declaring it as the npm start script in your package.json file:
"dependencies": {
"majic": "^0.0.36"
"scripts": {
"start": "./node_modules/majic/bin/majic"
Then you can run your app as simply as:
$ npm start
Alternatively, you can bootstrap majic from any js file, e.g.:
Step 1: initialize your application directory
$ mkdir myapp; cd myapp; npm init
Step 2: install majic
$ npm install --save majic
Step 3: setup package.json for running npm commands
"scripts": {
"start": "./node_modules/majic/bin/majic",
"test": "./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha test/unit"
Step 4: setup an application file
module.exports = function() {
console.log("Hello World!");
Step 5: run it
$ npm start
majic: scanning path ./config/** for modules
majic: scanning path ./src/lib/** for modules
majic: scanning path ./src/main/** for modules
majic: loading module helloworld from ./src/main/helloworld.js
majic: resolving module helloworld with args []
Hello World!
Majic automatically names dependencies, and injects them into module declarations (functions). Try adding the following file:
module.exports = {
"greeting": "Hello World!"
And change the ./src/main/helloworld.js file to:
module.exports = (config) => {
Then re-run the application.
$ npm start
majic: scanning path ./config/** for modules
majic: scanning path ./src/lib/** for modules
majic: scanning path ./src/main/** for modules
majic: defined module config from ./src/main/config.js
majic: loading module helloworld from ./src/main/helloworld.js
majic: resolving module helloworld with args [ 'config' ]
Hello World!
Notice that the new config.js file was auto-scanned automatically injected into the helloworld component which declared it as a dependency.
Majic will autoscan and require all dependencies declared in your package.json.
Example: ./package.json
"dependencies": {
"bluebird": "^2.3.2",
"lodash": "^2.4.1",
"majic": "0.0.10",
"express": "^4.10.2"
The above example would automatically require the bluebird, lodash, majic, and express libraries available (by name) for dependency injection.
If you need to declare additional modules to load that are not defined in the dependencies section of your package.json, such as node modules (e.g. fs, http, etc.), then you can add a "declare" section to your package.json.
This is an array of strings. For each string majic will 'require' the declared dependency and expose the package as an injectable majic dependency (note that you can later mock these, so prefer this method to raw require).
Example: ./package.json
"declare": [
Majic will automatically declare a dependency named 'package' which corresponds to your application's package.json.
Since package naming conventions allow characters that are not allowed in javascript variable naming syntax, majic will automatically convert illegal characters to the underscore ('_') character.
In the above example, some-package would be available to your modules as "some_package".
Majic will automajically alias common libraries for you. the common aliases are listed below:
- bluebird: 'q'
- underscore: '_'
- lodash: '_'
After including dependencies from package.json, majic will autoscan any files in the ./config, ./src/lib and ./src/main directories (this is configurable).
Due to the asynchronous and promise based dependency chains, your application will start in whatever order your dependencies are available, as fast as they are available.
Majic natively supports coffee-script. If you put coffee-script as a dependency in your package.json, majic will bootstrap coffee and register it automajically.
The name of your modules will be determined from the filename of your module, less the extension, so for example the module located at ./config/myconfig.coffee would be named 'myconfig'.
You can declare static values simply by exporting them via module.exports. This is a good idea for configuration files, which you might want to put into the config directory.
Example: ./config/myconfig.coffee
module.exports =
host: 'localhost'
port: '8080'
You can declare modules which have dependencies injected by exporting a function rather than a static object.
Example: ./src/myapp.js
module.exports = (myconfig) => {
console.log("app will start on ${myconfig.host} and port ${myconfig.port}");
The function exported in module.exports will only be executed once all the dependencies it declares are resolved.
The value your function returns is what will be injected into other callers.
If you return a promise from your module, the resolved value (when ready) will be used as the injectable value.
Majic scans both ./src/lib and ./src/main to allow you to declare modular non-executable components in ./src/lib and executable components in ./src/main.
When testing, majic will only scan ./src/lib, so that your application will not start by default when testing.
If you need or want to get an instance of majic, the result of the start() method returns the instance of majic.
majic = require('majic').start();
majic.inject((_) => {
console.log('resolved _ to', _);
You can override any of majic's default options using an options file 'majic.json' in the root of your project.
Example majic.json
"verbose": false
The following are the default options for majic:
"PREFIX": "majic:", // the default logging prefix
"root": appRootPath, // the path where scanning should stat from
"pkgroot": appRootPath, // the path where the package.json file is located
"require": [], // a list of packages to require automatically (e.g. fs, http, etc.)
"verbose": true, // verbose output
"timeout": 4000, // how long to wait for a module to be ready
"scan": [ "config/**", "src/lib/**", "src/main/**" ] // the scan path
Majic makes testing your application easier by autoloading components and mocks.
To test a component, using a framework such as Mocha, simply declare an instance of Majic via the test() method.
Once this is done, the instance returned can inject parameters into your test methods, just like it can into dynamic module functions.
Example: ./test/unit/logger.js
var inject = require('majic').test();
describe('logger', () => {
it('should inject a mock instance of winston', inject((expect, winston) => {
The result of the inject method is a promise, so you will need a unit testing library that supports promises, such as Mocha, to use majic testing.
During test execution, after scanning the dependencies in your package.json like in the regular startup sequence for majic, the test startup sequence will automatically scan the devDependencies section of your package.json.
If you declare Chai as a devDependency, majic will automatically declare an 'expect' alias to the Chai.expect library.
If you declare chai-as-promised then majic will automatically configure chai to use it.
During test execution, Majic will autoscan the directory "./test/mock" before scanning for components to allow for mocks to override component definitions.
If you need/want to manually declare mocks to be used then list them in the majic options using the option "mocks". For example, the actual majic unit test which tests this feature demonstrates how to do this:
var approotpath = require('app-root-path');
var majic = require(`${approotpath}/index.js`);
var expect = require('chai').expect;
describe('mock', () => {
it('should allow mocks to be passed in during instantiation', () => {
var mocked = { some: "mock" };
var mocks = {
glob: mocked
var inject = majic.test({ mocks: mocks });
return inject((glob) => {
It is recommended to use Mocha as your test runner and Chai for expect.
To set this up, your package.json should have the following entries:
Example: ./package.json
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "^2.0.1",
"chai": "^1.10.0",
"chai-as-promised": "^4.1.1"
"scripts": {
"test": "./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha test/unit"
And setup your mocha installation for recursive scanning and nice reporting:
Example: ./test/mocha.opts
-R spec
--globals currentContext
--compilers coffee:coffee-script/register
Now, place your unit tests in ./test/unit and your mocks in ./test/mock and majic will take care of the rest when you test it all with npm test:
$ npm test
> @ test
> ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha test/unit
✓ should inject a mock instance of winston
1 passing (83ms)