uEngine (Metro 2033(/Nightmare's World) Build 375 engine) reimplementation
Blender Plugin for 4A Engine Formats. Can Import/Export models and levels from 4A Engine (Metro Redux, Metro Exodus)
moderamodera / MetroDeveloper
Forked from tsnest/MetroDeveloperПлагин для Metro 2033 и Metro Last Light, + Redux версии.
Win32 OOP version of the WinAPI for creating lightweight Forms in C++
This repository is used to handle issues and publish the latest releases of the dialog editor.
Vulkan-based implementation of D3D8, 9, 10 and 11 for Linux / Wine
Parallel MipMap generation for Minecraft.
Generate inline assembly functions to wrap your replacement functions. Supports __usercall and __userpurge
Сервер с пустым миром на который можно зайти с поддержкой плагинов. (Python 3)