- Download the song (you need to have yt-dlp and ffmpeg installed for this step):
# Go into the directory in which `home_folder` lies (i.e. if you type `ls` this README.md and `home_folder` show up)
yt-dlp --extract-audio --audio-format wav -o ./apt-sound-orig.wav "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFeEbjLJDmI"
mkdir -p ./home_folder/.local/share/sounds/
ffmpeg -ss 6.7 -i ./apt-sound-orig.wav -acodec copy ./home_folder/.local/share/sounds/apt-sound.wav
- Review code of
, because there is no guarantee that it won't blow up your system. - Copy the contents of the folder
into your home directory. - Add the line
source ~/.apt_sound.sh
to your.bashrc
. - Profit.
Download the song only if it's not illegal to do so ...